>Keith Addison wrote:
> >
> > Anyway, hadn't you guys over there better start thinking about taking
> > your country back? Please???
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Keith
>    We'd love to, but by the time we actually GET to vote, the 
>decent candidates
>have been long outspent by the political machine that perpetuates "business as

Yes, that's one of the main things you have to take back.

>Worse, many of us have been so brainwashed into believing the swill
>that spews forth from Washington that our hackles raise whenever anyone
>questions the wisdom of a given policy.

... and that's what a LOT of all that campaign money, and various 
other ill-gotten gains gets spent on - PR and spin.

One effect seems to be a really unnatural level of this divisive, 
us-vs-them, "common bipolar disorder" thinking that simply shoves a 
dissenting view, whatever its merits, into the enemy camp. If you're 
not for us you're against us. This is not how confident, secure, 
independent, mature people behave.

>    When I forwarded the article posted here on SUV tax breaks to friends and
>family, I received the NASTIEST responses from people who are 
>RELATED to me!  It
>seems they actually believe that Mr. Bush and his administration 
>truly have the
>best interest of America in mind whenever they dream up a policy.  (And I get
>continually reminded that I didn't vote for him!)
>    It's sad, really, that in a country of supposedly free people, I find an
>inordinate amount of social pressure to keep silent about my 
>dissent.  The fact
>that I don't is, in my view, the mark of an individual raised in a free
>country.  There seem to be very few people questioning the American political
>leadership these days.  That seems a dangerous thing. . .

I get the impression that a hell of a lot of Americans are 
questioning it, and rejecting it,  more and more loudly, but that the 
mainstream media don't at all reflect that (despite their alleged 
"left-wing" bias - LOL!).

>Here at home, alternative media--not just the Internet, but video 
>and community access TV; community, low power, and pirate radio; 
>zines and community newspapers; and political music, dance, and 
>art--are flourishing under the radar. New and revived forms of 
>organizing are energizing people not interested in traditional 
>petitions, lobbying of Congress or the White House, marches, 
>meetings, and the Same Old Chants. The phenomenal early December 
>turnout at Garfield High School, where some 2,000 activists turned 
>out specifically to sign up for volunteer work, is an obvious 
>example. So was the euphoric student walk-out and march that week, 
>organized and led almost entirely by high school students.

>Is evil afoot these days? Yep, and the omnicidal bipartisan stampede 
>in Washington (and the greedy bastards they work for) have a corner 
>on the market. But that has the advantage of letting us know where 
>our work lies. There's lots to do, and plenty of reasons to believe 
>it can and will matter; the outcome is clear only when we choose to 
>stand idly by. Here's to regime change at home in 2003.

- Geov Parrish, "Peace on Earth: Maybe Next Year"

Apt New Year toast.


>robert luis rabello
>"The Edge of Justice"
>Adventure for Your Mind

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