Thanks for the feedback Keith.  Without passing judgement on World Energy
since I haven't done the research (I'll go read up on their conduct now--
thanks for the links), my point is merely that we need to support people and
companies and institutions based on their integrity, actions and
demonstrable potential to succeed at furthering responsible energy
production and consumption, and NOT on the basis of their SIZE.  I think
there is room for small and large producers, and for them to work together.

Which leads me to this:  if World Energy does not agree with this
perspective, then why not?  Do you think it is the individuals involved
being shortsighted, or is it simply a reality of the kind of business
they're trying to build that makes small producers more of a threat than a
help?  Or could they be authentically concerned that a small producer making
some mistake in production will sully the image of biodiesel?  Other
possibilities?  Regardless, if you can identify what the root of their
problem is, then whether that root cause seems silly or not, and regardless
of who is responsible for it, perhaps we can address the root cause and
inspire World Energy to be a team playter.  No bias or policy is intractible
in my opionion if it fundamentally doesn't make sense, so let's take a look
at it.  In my opinion, it is worth it for us to unilaterally take on this
extra work in order to earn the chance to bring as many stakeholders as
possible in this community into alignment.  This will ultimately empower us


The Biofuel Business Development Project
Dedicated to Making An Immediate Impact
On the Long-Range Future of Humanity

> Message: 12
>    Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 11:23:08 +0900
>    From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: more info on the NBB and the soy subsidy
> Hello Andrew
> >I'm would prefer to see a decentralized industry of small producers as
> well,
> >but my bias is that if we're really going to make a near-term
> difference in
> >our world in terms of energy security and environmental protection and
> >public health with biodiesel, we need to support any and all
> companies that
> >are willing to produce and distribute biodiesel, small and large.
> >
> >Cheers,
> >Andrew
> Um, at the cost of having homebrewers dispensed with by means of a
> load of BS about us being nothing but a peril who'll bring it all to
> naught unless we're controlled? Or at least kept firmly in our place
> (our own backyards)? Though we can be useful... Check back and you'll
> see that that's basically what Mr Noyes of World Energy was saying.
> He was asked how many times? Three? Four? - to substantiate his
> claims that substandard-spec homebrew had caused widespread problems
> and industry had had to clean up the mess after us. He evaded the
> question each time. He can't substantiate it because it's BS. Not the
> only thing he evaded. If you think that will at least stop him making
> such unsubstantiated claims, even if he can't quite bring himself to
> withdraw them, don't hold your breath.
> Noyes, and others like him, couldn't cope with what we actually are
> and what we do, as opposed to his patronising idea of us. Have a look
> at how he handled the possibility of collaboration with us,
> laughable. It's on his terms or nothing, just like the other World
> Energy guy who wasted our time with this talk. We're more useful than
> these people, and it's them who make it an either-or question, not us.
> We're not against industry, that would be foolish, but there's
> industry and then there's industry. It's not a case of small vs
> large, there's room and need for both, as you say. Some of the big
> companies are just fine, no problem at all working with them. But
> frankly I think the world needs the likes of World Energy like it
> needs a hole in the head.

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