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Pay Dirt - Part 3b, by J. I. RODALE, Editor of Organic Gardening Magazine, 1946

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The Seattle Times: Nation & World:
May 06, 2003 - Page updated at 12:00 a.m.

Biodegradable corn products may become plastics of future

By Phil Rooney
The Associated Press

Judeane Tusa shows off containers made from biodegradable corn 
plastic at Wilkinson Manufacturing in Fort Calhoun, Neb., recently. 
It takes about a month for a product made from corn to degrade in a 
compost heap; a similar, oil-based product could take centuries to 

BLAIR, Neb. - If America wants to reduce its consumption of oil and 
the buildup of slow-degrading plastic in landfills, one answer is 
softly swaying in the wind on farms across the country.

Some of the nation's abundant supply of corn already is being 
converted into environmentally friendly plastics and fibers for use 
in products ranging from mattress pads and golf shirts to soda cups 
and minidisc wrappers.

Biodegradable corn products are now more expensive than traditional 
plastics, but if they catch on they could provide hope for struggling 
farmers and give birth to a new industry.

"Anything that can be made from a barrel of crude oil can be made 
from a kernel of corn," said Randy Cruise, a corn farmer in central 
Nebraska, who was only slightly exaggerating. "I think we're just 
getting started in this whole arena."

Corn plastics are being developed by Cargill Dow at its plant outside 
Blair, where refined corn sugar is converted into polylactide or PLA. 
The sugar is fermented and distilled to extract the carbon, the basic 
building block for commercial-grade plastics and fibers.

PLA, in pellets the size of BBs, is being pressed into packaging for 
food, plastic wrap, foam and dinner ware. It is spun into fabrics at 
plants in North Carolina, Hong Kong and Japan and marketed under the 
Ingeo brand of clothing and blankets. Cargill Dow - a joint venture 
between privately held food giant Cargill and Dow Chemical - says 
Ingeo means "ingredients from the earth."

DuPont is in the early stages of developing a similar product, but it 
still includes some petroleum. The company is part of a consortium 
that got $19 million from the Energy Department to develop a way to 
turn corn stalks and leaves into a polymer from which plastic can be 

Perhaps the greatest appeal of corn plastics is their green 
credentials. It takes about a month for plastic bags made from corn 
to degrade in a compost heap, said Randy Klein of the Nebraska Corn 
Board. A similar, oil-based plastic bag could take centuries to 

Coca-Cola used 500,000 cups made from corn plastics at the Winter 
Olympics in Salt Lake City. Instead of creating a large trash 
problem, used cups were simply composted.

"The product performed beautifully. They go back to nature in 40 
days," said Frederic Scheer, president of Los Angeles-based Biocorp 
North America, the food-service company that supplied the cups.

Before giving its stamp of approval to corn plastics, the Sierra Club 
is waiting for independent studies of the products' biodegradability.

"If it's what it appears to be, it will be tremendous," spokeswoman 
Laura Kresbach said.

The biggest demand for corn plastics has been overseas, including in 
Taiwan, where packing components are developed for the many products 
it exports to the United States. Taiwan bans petroleum-based plastic 
shopping bags and disposable plastic tableware.

Electronics giant Sony was involved in the early development of corn 
plastics and has wrapped its minidiscs in a corn-based film made by 
Cargill Dow for two years. Cargill Dow also recently reached an 
agreement with Taiwan-based Wei Mon Industry to promote and 
distribute corn-plastic packaging materials.

IPER, one of Italy's largest supermarket chains, has been working 
with the natural-based packaging from Cargill Dow for nearly a year 
for film containers and heat-sealable film overlays.

Just a few miles from Cargill Dow's plant near Blair, Wilkinson 
Manufacturing has made food packaging out of aluminum and 
petroleum-based polystyrene. Now it is trying corn-plastic containers 
for bakery and deli items, said Joe Selzer, vice president of 
marketing and sales. It's still in the research and development 
stage, Selzer said, and he declined to identify the test markets.

While the corn-based plastic now is more costly - Selzer declined to 
say how much more - he's convinced that will change.

"There's no doubt one day this product will be able to compete with 
petroleum-based products," Selzer said.

Biocorp North America's corn-based plates are about 5 percent more 
expensive than traditional plastic, and the cups can be 25 percent 
more costly. But Scheer said the price would decline as production 
went up with demand - which he would expect to see within five years.

That could amount to a highly productive new use of the nation's corn 
supply, which is heavily subsidized and so abundant that it is widely 
converted into corn-based sweeteners and animal feed.

Cargill Dow thinks a billion pounds of PLA could be harvested 
annually within a decade. That would mean 10 percent of the nation's 
corn supply would be converted into plastics and fibers.

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