Fuel Economy Hit 22-Year Low

DETROIT, May 2 - The average fuel economy of the nation's cars and 
trucks fell to its lowest level in 22 years in the 2002 model year, 
the Environmental Protection Agency reported today.

The technological and engineering leaps of the last two decades have 
been poured into everything but fuel economy, according to the 
agency's statistics. Since 1981, the average vehicle has 93 percent 
more horsepower and is 29 percent faster in going from 0 to 60 miles 
an hour. It is also 24 percent heavier, reflecting surging sales of 
sport utility vehicles.

But over the same period, fuel economy has stagnated, contributing 
heavily to the nation's rising oil consumption. Cars and light trucks 
- S.U.V.'s, pickups and minivans - account for about 40 percent of 
the nation's oil consumption and a fifth of its carbon dioxide 
emissions, which many scientists see as the leading contributor to 
global warming.

Environmentalists, frustrated by years of legislative defeats and a 
recent retreat by the Ford Motor Company on a pledge that it would 
improve the fuel economy of its S.U.V.'s, were further exasperated by 
the report.

"Without being forced to improve fuel economy by the government, the 
auto industry doesn't do it," said Daniel Becker, the top global 
warming expert for the Sierra Club. "Congress has to require energy 
savings in the energy bill that comes to the floor next week or the 
auto industry will continue to go in reverse."

The report also said that fuel economy could have improved 33 percent 
since 1981 if performance and weight of vehicles had been held 

But Gloria J. Bergquist, the vice president for communications at the 
Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, the industry's chief political 
lobbying group, said the industry could not force consumers to buy 
fuel-efficient vehicles.

"We have 30 models that get over 30 miles per gallon, but the top 10 
most fuel-efficient vehicles are less than 2 percent of sales," she 
said. "I would call this report a consumer sales report. It shows 
what consumers are buying."

In his first speech today as the new chairman of General Motors, Rick 
Wagoner, who will continue to serve as chief executive, said "the 
only solution to this tough dilemma of improving fuel economy and 
reducing emissions in the intensely price-competitive and very 
low-cost-energy environment here in the U.S. is through technology."

He singled out the potential of hydrogen-powered fuel cells, a clean 
energy source, which have been a favorite technology of the Bush 
administration. But many analysts say fuel-cell cars are years, if 
not decades, away from mass production.

The E.P.A. report came several months later than usual and was 
somewhat controversial because the agency changed its normal 
reporting procedures. Instead of reporting only fuel economy changes 
for the 2002 model year, weighted for sales, the agency also included 
results for the 2003 model year based on the industry's own sales 
projections from last September.

By that reckoning, average fuel economy will show its first 
improvement in more than two decades in the 2003 model year. But the 
agency said there was a margin for error large enough to swing the 
results to a loss. And sales trends this year have also not appeared 
to favor energy conservation.

Light trucks continue to gobble up more of the market than more 
fuel-efficient passenger cars. Sales of the biggest S.U.V.'s, like 
the Lincoln Navigator and the Chevrolet Suburban, rebounded from a 
sluggish first quarter with a strong showing last month.

Further worsening fuel economy statistics are the aggressive moves by 
Asian automakers into S.U.V.'s of all sizes, with the next 
battleground being drawn over the last stronghold of Detroit, the 
pickup truck.

In the 2002 model year, fuel economy averaged 20.4 miles a gallon, 
the lowest since the fleet averaged 19.2 miles a gallon in 1980. Fuel 
economy peaked at 22.1 miles a gallon in 1988 but has mostly fallen 

The agency predicts fuel economy will rise to 20.8 miles a gallon in 
the 2003 model year, with a 0.5 mile a gallon margin for error. Cars 
are expected to average 24.8 miles a gallon, compared with 19.6 for 
minivans, 17.8 for S.U.V.'s and 16.8 for pickups.

David Friedman, a senior policy analyst for the Union of Concerned 
Scientists, said the report's new methodology "raises a lot of 

"I'm very skeptical of their use of the 2003 model year information," 
he said, adding that "it's difficult to come to any conclusions about 
any model year before the model year is over."

Conversations with people at the environmental agency who were 
briefed on the decision to offer 2003 figures indicated that it was 
not politically motivated but was done in part to prevent news 
organizations from doing their own projections.

Donald Zinger, the assistant director of the E.P.A.'s office of 
transportation and air quality, said "some people tried to do it 
themselves and got all messed up and came out with numbers that were 

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