The Warm Flat Earth Society

By Geov Parrish,
December 8, 2003

Reading or watching the news these days can be frustrating. But 
there's really only one line of reasoning that brings forth in me the 
urge to slap somebody.

Like, for instance, Myron Ebell of the Competitive Enterprise 
Institute. Ebell announced to the world last week: "If global warming 
turns out to be a problem, which I doubt, it won't be solved by 
making ourselves poorer through energy rationing."

Ebell, and other East Coast pseudo-academic commentators whose 
fondness for America's fossil fuel consumption is related directly to 
their paychecks, were then promptly buried under a foot of snow over 
the weekend. It can't be easy, insisting that the world is flat while 
having to shovel evidence to the contrary.

As scientists and negotiators from around the world begin their 
second week in a Milan, Italy U.N. conference on global climate 
change, one thing is eminently clear: the world is not flat. Major 
global climate change, triggered by rapidly increasing atmospheric 
carbon dioxide levels, is an established fact. Human activity as the 
major cause of it is an established fact. Nobody outside corridors of 
power in Washington, D.C. and Houston has debated any of this for 
years. As the body of scientific evidence grows, the scope and speed 
of climatic changes are, if anything, proving far worse than the most 
alarmist scientific predictions of only a decade ago, affecting not 
just temperature - nine of the ten warmest years in recorded human 
history have come in the last 14 years - but extremes in atmospheric 
pressure, a resulting increase in wind speeds, drought, sea level 
increases, extreme cold, and extremes in precipitation - like last 
weekend's unusually heavy and early East Coast snowfall.

As science has scrambled to track all these changes, and to track the 
havoc that changing climates are already beginning to wreak on what 
turns out to be an exquisitely balanced natural world, the phrase 
"global warming" turns out to be a misnomer - a euphemism, even, for 
a cluster of trends so catastrophic that without dramatic human 
counteraction will, in a matter of decades, threaten food and water 
supplies and much of the natural and technological infrastructure 
that we humans have developed to support ourselves. Warming is a 
symptom - an important one, as the increased CO2 levels trap more 
solar radiation in our lower atmosphere - but only one of many 
impacts. By using a term that defines the problem as solely one of 
temperature, we get two levels of denial - oil company Flat Earthers 
sneering at "junk science" (didn't Copernicus hear that, too?), or 
comments like those of Russian President-for-Life Vladimir Putin, who 
joked earlier this year that for his country, warming "might even be 
good. We'd spend less money on fur coats and other warm things."

Putin is a central figure this week in Milan. He is expected to 
announce - after an electoral victory Sunday that gives him firmer 
control over Russia's Parliament - whether Russia will ratify the 
1997 Kyoto accord. But Russia only has this much leverage because the 
obstinacy of the United States leaves Russia's ratification necessary 
for the treaty to take force - and Russia's decision is a question 
only because, after five years of publicly backing Kyoto, Putin's 
government has backtracked in the past year due to fierce anti-Kyoto 
pressure from the Bush Administration.

Bush policy on climate change has been nothing less than a crime 
against humanity - and, for that matter, a crime against many of our 
biosphere's other inhabitants too. But it's not just Bush that's been 
the problem; it's all of us humans, especially all of us in 
consumption-happy America. As Bill McKibben - one of the earliest 
authors to spotlight climate change as an urgent issue with 1989's 
The End of Nature - noted recently, global warming is being thought 
of by leaders and ordinary people alike "in the way they think about 
'violence on television' or 'growing trade deficits,' as a marginal 
concern to us, if a concern at all."

Bush's calculated efforts to torpedo Kyoto, and the ongoing campaigns 
by oil and energy companies and by Bush Administation officials to 
cast doubt on the scientific legitimacy of the issue, are 
reprehensible, but hardly unique. Kyoto's provisions are far short of 
the steps actually needed to combat the problem - but it was American 
negotiators, headed by then-VP Al Gore, who worked to water down the 
originally proposed treaty. Afterwards, as 120 countries moved to 
ratify Kyoto, it was Bill Clinton who refused to submit it to the 
Senate. Enter Bush next. All the while, the clock has been ticking, 
the seasons turning, the temperatures rising.

Kyoto's provisions expire in 2011 - meaning that as we approach 2004 
we're at the halfway point before Kyoto expires, and it has not even 
taken force yet, thanks in large part to Washington. At this point, 
negotiators in Milan shouldn't be worrying too much about the details 
of Kyoto. Even if Russia ratifies it, negotiators should be more 
concerned about hammering out a framework for what comes after Kyoto.

By then, China will be a major industrial power. The landscape of 
carbon dioxide-spewing humanity has shifted significantly since the 
1990 levels that provide Kyoto's benchmarks. Russia's post-Soviet 
industrial economy collapsed, meaning that its emissions in 2000 were 
down 22.8% from 1990; Germany, with its East German component and 
with unilateral EU measures, similarly declined by 13.6%. They will 
rebound. The EU as a whole increased its emissions in the decade by 
only 1.5% - a vast improvement over the past, but still nowhere near 
the modest targets set by Kyoto.

Meanwhile, carbon dioxide emissions here in the U.S., already the 
world's leading spewer, went up a whopping 18.1% in the same decade - 
a decade in which a Democratic president and bipartisan Congress 
backpedaled on previously set fuel efficiency standards, looked the 
other way while American automakers foisted gas-guzzling SUVs on the 
public, scrupulously avoided encouraging energy conservation, and 
gutted budgets for research into renewable energy sources. This 
decade's Republican-controlled Beltway has continued all this and 
launched an unprovoked, unilateral invasion of the country with the 
world's second-largest known reserves of oil.

Both of our major political parties' approaches to global warming 
seem to take their cue from Dubya's War on Terror declaration - 
namely, bully other governments, and urge ordinary Americans to go 
about our "normal" lives as though nothing was different. I can just 
hear some pompous legislator on the floor of Congress: "Mr. Speaker, 
if Americans seek out cars with better gas mileage, it sends the 
wrong message! It lets other molecules know that THE CARBON DIOXIDE 

But we will have to live differently, because the world is different. 
It is already the case that there is no going back to our climatic 
world of 50, 20, or even 10 years ago. Next year, there will be no 
going back to the world we are in today. The question now is how to 
slow the planet's human-caused changes, and how to manage or deflect 
the impact of the more catastrophic ones. These are issues that 
transcend borders, domestic economies, and the flat-earth 
stubbornness of one or another elected official.

This week, the headlines will be about Kyoto. Forget Kyoto; by 2011, 
it will be history. What is needed, with or without Kyoto, is some 
sort of momentum, from scientists, governments, and the global 
public, that demands both changes in individual lifestyles - 
especially as they relate to fossil fuel consumption - and changes in 
public policy at a global level.

We must look farther ahead, beyond the scope of Kyoto. And we must 
not look very far at all, because a major part of the problem is in 
our own front yard.

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