
You forgot to include with your military sales pitch/brochure "travel to exotic places, meet interesting people and then kill them."

And come on. On a per capita basis no more military personel than civilians die each day from walking out the front door of their domiciles. It's what they walk into shortly thereafter that increases their mortality ratio.

If your going to sling red herring and strawmen, at least aim for the fireplace where they can both be appropriately toasted.

Todd Swearingen

Terry DeSimone wrote:

How about it's a good place to get a start in a career field,learn useful skills,be exposed to other people from other backgrounds,get to travel and see places that they would never normally get to see? Opportunity is opportunity no matter where you find it. Dangerous? So is waking up and walking out the door each day. We're all gonna die of something someday,that's just the way it is. I applaud those who go in,even if it's for socio-economic reasons. They could be in your neighborhood selling drugs,robbing and stealing,that would be much easier than making a commitment to improving their lives.

*/Michael Redler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

    "the military is keenly aware that the socio-economic realities of
    our country do most of the recruiting for them"
Absolutely! Although the behavior of many recruiters has been an embarrassment
    to the uniform, they are only part of the problem. There is the
    new draft happening under our noses. Many appropriately call
    it the poverty draft.
A significant number (some estimates are as high as 40,000) of
    America's frontline soldiers are not US citizens.
"The proportion of blacks in the army was 40%, while in the US
    population, the number of blacks was a quarter of that" -- MP
    George Galloway

    Well, I could only think of three possible reasons why this might
    be true -- and a couple of them seem pretty ridiculous:
1.) Blacks and hispanics are more patriotic
    2.) Blacks and hispanics are easily persuaded by
    a recruiter's slick sales pitch
    3.) Blacks and hispanics have fewer options for advancement
Did I miss any? Mike
    */[EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

        In a message dated 6/3/05 12:45:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

        << I agree that a military recruiter will paint as "rosey" a
        picture of

        service as possible, but no one has to volunteer.>>

        sorry, larry, but many, many, many enlisted men sign up
        because from their
        perspective, at the time they put their name on the dotted
        line, that was their
        only viable option. the military is keenly aware that the
        realities of our country do most of the recruiting for them
        (why else do you think
        they gave up the draft?). sure, the recruiter may reel in a
        few good souls
        who were tipping in the other direction, but for the most part
        his job is that
        of making sure that those who come to his or her office (who
        for the most part
        have already made up their minds) fill out the forms properly,
        acknowledge whatever disclaimers/full disclosure statements
        the recruiter may be
        required to utter.

        is located. . .w[h]ere discourse and discussion is supposted to
        be applauded, but the military which defends those rights are not
        allowed to have free expression. . .protesting a member wearing a
        Military uniform is dishonorable and violates that individuals
        to free speech.>>

        oh lord. where does this mind set come from? do you not see
        the mental
        short-circuit necessary to accept this thought process?

        yes, centers of higher learning champion discourse and debate,
        the exchange
        of ideas. and for the military--an institution to which, as
        has been amply
        discussed in this thread already, free discourse and exchange
        of ideas is
        anathema--to seek recruits therein is itself an attack on
        higher learning and what it

        the concept of a civilian nation, a civilian society, was
        central to our (the
        u.s.) constitution. civilian, representative government is
        clearly and
        unmistakably placed in charge of the armed forces. the
        military as a culture or
        member of society in itself, is in no way recognized. in fact,
        implicit to this
        formula is that the military has no role, nor right to a
        voice, in
        society/the civil forum. therefore, to argue that a person in
        uniform (in the literal
        sense, not figuratively) has a right to free speech, stands on
        shaky ground if
        you're suggesting that the wearing of the uniform (and in so
        doing, acting as
        a representative of or spokesman for the military) is itself
        the speech or a
        central component of it.

        furthermore, all this claptrap about defending 'those rights'
        is no more than
        a political artifact. in reality, not since the war of 1812
        has the u.s.
        been engaged in a conflict where personal liberties could be
        construed as being
        directly attacked, seeing that britain was trying to take back
        the colonies
        which had won their independence and, ion the process had
        taken the ideas of
        personal and political liberties to a new level (not, i should
        add, that the
        american revolution was exactly about 'those rights').

        this isn't to say there weren't other occasions where 'those
        rights' were
        indirectly threatened, certainly. but come on, let's be
        honest. wwII, for
        example, wasn't really about defending personal liberties, not
        primarily. if it
        were, the u.s would have gotten involved much sooner. it was
        really a war
        against aggression and economic competition (particularly in
        the pacific theatre).
        and it takes a mental contortion of titanic proportions to
        accept the idea
        that slaughtering thousands and thousands of an indegenous
        people all the way on
        the other side of the globe, as the u.s. did when taking the
        phillipines from
        spain, or bloodily dismembering a nation, as we are still in
        the process of
        doing in iraq, constitutes a defense of 'those rights'.

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