Hello Tony

Greetings, All -

The loss of the PNGV links at NREL is no surprise.

Not really, no.

The Feds are deleting online files by the gross. Anything that makes them out for what they are is going, going... Gone.

Keith - If you still have the old links, I suppose I could play with the 'wayback machine' and see if I can get partial pages. Images are very unlikely, but text should be there.

That's a good idea - I'll dig up some backups and see what I can find. Thanks!

What goes on here (on this list) is critical - There are a painful few 'real' researchers out there working this problem (U.S. anyway). It is up to us...

Yes... and many others like us. Painfully few as a proportion of the whole, it's true, but many in number, and it's growing fast. Look at the growth of the blogosphere, for one instance - sure, there's a lot of woolly nonsense there, but there's a lot of good solid stuff too, that you don't find anywhere else, more and more of it, and it has its effect. Maybe the number's more important than the proportion.

Best wishes


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