hi rich.

i'm not a chemist or engineer.  anything beyond the very general and 
hypothetical comments i made previously are beyond me.  this line of inquiry 
raises so 
many questions which i really don't consider myself competent to comment on 
(and therefore didn't).

keith is right about how volatile and dangerous nitro is.  you can't store 
nitro on board and expect to keep it stable.  surely a spontaneous explosion of 
the nitro while still in the reaction chamber would be inevitable.  i think 
more of a binary fuel-type approach would be called for.  thus my suggestion of 
synthesis and combustion in the same chamber (i.e. the cylinder).

and again, i wouldn't know how to guage the feasibility or practicality of 
this.  after all, depending on the engine, we're talking about maintaining 
anywhere from about 10-20 on up to 50-60 reaction/combustion cycles per 
per second under normal operating conditions.

-chris b.

In a message dated 7/18/05 10:04:06 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< There might be a pre-combustion chamber 

where a spark would be set to the glycerin/nitrox mixture, to create the 

nitroglycerin, then the nitroglycerin would be sent to the engine to be 

burned.  Would the design be feasible and realistic? >>

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