Greetings to all, I am an avid alternative fuel
advocate who is building a large home sized processor.
I do hope you will read this and maybe it will help
get us back on track!!All this talk of politics as far
as I am concerned is for the most part  way out of
line,and with a lot of misconceptions toward a
political adjenda.We All need to get focused on what
and where we are headed with the alternative energy
issues,and stop talking about all these   politics,
and put our time and money where our mouths are and DO
Something constructive !! Sincerly Spoken.Duff

--- Sean Michael Dargan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello Cliff, 
> >I am a former officer in the USAF so perhaps I do
> have a fondness for 
> >the fine, exceedingly capable and patriotic  men
> and
> women serving >to protect and defend a country I
> personally feel is a  pretty good >place to live.
> Perhaps I am living under some delusions and if that
> is >the case then I'm sure someone will try to
> correct
> the errors of my >ways.
> Just a quick point or two from another who is also
> looking for the path...   
> The USA is, in fact, "a pretty good place to live,"
> but it is far from an innocent victim, as many who
> live here choose to believe.  The historical
> sortcomings of this county deserve much closer
> scrutiny if you hope to live an enlightened life as
> a
> modern US citizen.  
> May I suggest a book?  Howard Zinn's masterpiece "A
> People's History of of the United States" should be
> required reading for all US citizens (even a
> naturalized citizen like me!); it will help shine an
> honest light on the historical behavior of our
> country, to the contrary of much that we read in our
> shool history books.  
> After that, perhaps, a brief foray into Noam Chomsky
> can really put a point on the very recent history of
> US hegemony and covert interventionism (Chile, El
> Salvador, Nicaragua, etc.) particularly in the name
> of
> battling communism and terrorism... or as GHW Bush
> put
> it, "defending the non-negotiable American
> lifestyle."
> Thanks for listening to my two cents worth... Oh,
> and
> thank you for your service to our country.  May
> those
> exceedingly capable men and women of which you speak
> be brought home to focus that energy on more
> constructive pursuits!
> Be well,
> Sean Michael Dargan
> Madison, WI
> P.S.  I, too, hope to hear more about titration
> before
> long!
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