
> That's where you are wrong Todd.
> For many things I am still at the bottom
> of the heap, and freely admit it.

It's all rather easy for you to off handedly declare others as being 
wrong in their assessment of your behavior. I'd bet my burrow and it's 
saddle that you're in a far better economic profile and general position 
than a great number of those persons whom you're choosing to berate and 

I'd even be willing to seek out an independant third party to 
substantiate that belief. My guess is that while you may know what it's 
like to do without, you ain't seen nothin' in comparison to multitudes 
of your fellow humans, many of whom immediately surround you, much less 
those you deride within the path of hurricane Katrina.

As for your survival plan? Cudos to you for having the moxy, fortitude 
and at least some resources to prepare yourself for some eventuality 
that may or may not ever come your way.

But enough of that, as this isn't about "you." Your saintlyhood isn't 
the yardstick for which all others should be measured against.

It's about those persons set square in the middle of a natural and 
un-natural event - part their own doing and largely not - whom you want 
to berate, even while they're still on their rooftops and before the 
bodies are yet collected and buried. Nothing like kicking the dog and 
contributing to anger and mayhem rather than working in a constructive 
and productive manner - no matter how badly you feel the need to vent 
your "frustrations." (What makes you think you've got the right to be 
frustrated when you're sitting in the comfort of your own home and not 
in the middle of the cow patty that millions of others are at this 
moment is beyond me.)

What I have said is that your type of all-inclusive judgement is 
short-sighted and destructive. To condemn those who draw shorter straws 
under the exact same circumstances is a practice of malice.

Don't understand what I'm saying?

Start with all the hundreds of thousands who didn't store water or food 
in their 55 gallon drums and 5 gallon buckets as do you. Right off the 
bat they're lesser of a being than you are on your perch. Doesn't matter 
that their barrels and buckets would have been sodden and perhaps 
unusable in this event. What matters by your yardstick is that they 
obviously didn't think ahead as you would or as well as you and they are 
thus judged.

Then you start to separate all those hundreds of thousands of foolish 
persons (by your standards) into sections, those that have enough money 
and resources to flee and those that don't  and begin to berate those 
who don't. Using your barometer, those with such resources are to be 
judged less harshly or not judged at all in comparison to those who 
don't possess such luxuries (resources), simply because they aren't the 
ones in immediate need of lifesaving assistance. (Just wait. They'll be 
bitching, moaning and groaning before the weekend's out and before the 
dead are buried as well. So you'll then be able to blend into the 
company of larger numbers.)

And then in a gesture of "compassion," you further contribute to the 
"conversation" with your condescension against those who have lost 
family as a result of whatever their decisions were, no matter what the 
circumstances were that brought them to that decision. Such a fine 
fellow you and your lot are. Truly a model Thursday morning 
prognasticator after a Monday morning hurricane, functional in the most 
humane and compassionate sense of the Christian form, eh? (Actually? 
Not! Unless you consider the Inquisition, the Crusades and burning of 
"witches" at the stake to be other fine examples of such form.)

Frankly Greg? You think you're frustrated? Start thinking about all 
those who have taken the time to read your words of piety on this matter 
and the similar words of others and have to choke back the contents of 
their stomachs......

And yet you will inevitably continue..............

Todd Swearingen

Greg and April wrote:

>That's where you are wrong Todd.
>For many things I am still at the bottom of the heap, and freely admit it.
>For other things I have learned from other peoples mistakes, and admit to
>that too.
>Other things I learned from my own mistakes, nothing wrong with that either.
>Simply put, I refuse to be a totaly hopeless victim and try to plan
>I am on a budget just like many of those people.    I have been stuck alone
>in a blizzard 4 days without any contact with the outside or food other than
>2 cans of soup and a few crackers that I had with me, so you can not say
>that I haven't " been on a roof top ", and don't know what it's like.
>Preparations can be made if you make the effort.
>I made the effort, it can be done.
>There is always something that can be done.
>Greg H.
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Appal Energy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <>
>Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 13:27
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Katrina slams New Orleans. Is There Blame?
>>You know Greg,
>>Sometimes doing nothing is the best that anyone can do. I guess it's
>>been a long time since you've been at the bottom of the heap, having few
>>or no options and nothing much else available to you other than hope
>>that it gets no worse.
>>I wonder what roofs you'd have been standing on if you were in some of
>>those persons situations.
>>But instead of you attempting to understand what the worst of worst
>>situations could be, even before any calamity, I suppose we get to
>>listen to you going on, issuing more of the same thoughtless mimickery
>>as if everyone in the world has been afforded the same opportunities as
>>Simply put? Your superiority complex, arrogance and carelessness are
>>Todd Swearingen
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