Cuba, Venezuala not mentioned.

- New York Times

Foreign Aid

Offers Pour In, but the U.S. Is Unprepared


Published: September 8, 2005

WASHINGTON, Sept. 7 - Generous offers of aid for Hurricane Katrina 
victims are pouring in from scores of nations, but in many cases the 
United States is unprepared to receive the goods.

As a result, the State Department is pressing countries that are 
offering the use of helicopters, water purification equipment and 
telecommunications gear, among other items, to provide cash or 
ready-to-eat meals instead.

"The worst thing we could do, the worst thing, is to take things" and 
"have them sit on the ground and not be utilized, to have something 
rot," said Harry K. Thomas, the State Department's executive 
secretary, who is coordinating with other governments. Many countries 
are being told that the most useful donation is money, and some 
European countries are bemused - or frustrated.

"There is a lot of stuff offered, but we are having a problem getting 
it over," said Claes Thorson, a spokesman at the Swedish Embassy in 

Even with the difficulties, foreign aid is beginning to arrive at or 
near the Gulf Coast, including ready-to-eat meals from Britain, tents 
from France, first-aid kits and baby formula from Italy. All told, 
the State Department said Wednesday, donations from 49 nations or 
international organizations have been accepted - including $428 
million in cash.

The bulk of the cash came from three oil-rich Arab nations. Kuwait, 
Qatar and the United Arab Emirates each offered $100 million.

The State Department says 95 countries, half of the world's nations, 
have promised aid in one form or another. But the department says the 
government is still evaluating many of the proposals to see if they 
can actually be used. Among the nations that have pledged assistance 
are several that receive significant American aid, including Israel, 
Afghanistan and Iraq.

The United States is more accustomed to giving aid than receiving it, 
and the Bush administration seemed to have trouble accepting the role 
reversal, at least at first. Early last week, President Bush said the 
United States could take care of itself.

"I do expect a lot of sympathy, and perhaps some will send cash 
dollars," he said. "But this country is going to rise up and take 
care of it."

As the size of the crisis became apparent, the view changed. But the 
preparations to receive anything but the simplest forms of aid have 
not caught up.

Mr. Thomas explained that the United States has no experience with 
situations like this. Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, he said 
several times, "This is unprecedented."

Last weekend, the State Department sent urgent requests for 
international aid through the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the 
United Nations and the European Union. At the top of the list was 
cash. Most of the other items requested were basic goods like food, 
water, medical supplies and diapers.

When Sweden received the American request, it loaded a Hercules C-130 
transport plane with water purification equipment, emergency power 
generators and components for a temporary cellphone network. The 
plane has been ready to take off since noon Saturday, but has not 
been given clearance by Washington.

"We are still waiting for the green light," Victoria Forslund said at 
the Foreign Ministry in Stockholm. Sean McCormack, the State 
Department spokesman, said, "If there are any miscommunications on 
this matter, we want to make it very clear we value their offer of 

Sweden is not the only country that has encountered a problem. 
France, Germany, India and Taiwan, among others, are awaiting answers 
to offers. The slow acceptance after the urgent request has only 
increased the puzzlement of many countries. Mr. Thomas said embassy 
officers in each country have tried to explain why the aid requests 
are being handled as they are and insisted "every country has heard 
back from us."

On Monday, only one plane bearing foreign aid arrived in Little Rock, 
Ark., a staging area. On Tuesday, 11 planes arrived. Wednesday and 
Thursday, more planes - from Britain, China, France, Russia, Spain 
and Israel - are due.

As Europe prepares more supplies, officials say they are beginning to 
wonder whether the aid is really needed or will ever be used.

"That's our preoccupation right now," said Barbara Helfferich, a 
spokeswoman for the executive branch of the European Union.

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