So make 5 gallon batches and then put it in your tank.

Zeke Yewdall wrote:

>Hmmm.  Remind me never to come to your town, as my truck has an 18.5
>gallon fuel tank filled with biodiesel/diesel.  If I parked in your
>driveway, It'd be illegal.....
>On 12/1/05, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Do people heat with fuel oil where you are?  If so, that's not Biodiesel
>>being stored, it's fuel oil.  They have got to allow tanks of that.
>>(Assuming people heat with oil where you are.)
>>Chris K
>>Cayce, SC
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Greg and April" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: <>
>>Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 4:09 PM
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Methanol - was Re: neoprene gloves good
>>>In an obscure way, I am all ready there.
>>>A neighbor up the street let me know about a month ago that if he ever
>>>suspects that I am making BioDiesel, he will make sure that one way or
>>>another will I end up in court ( legal or civil ).
>>>I'm not totaly sure of what the issue is, but, near as I can tell, he is
>>>of those " No one should do it but the professionals " type of people, and
>>>he works for the city utilities ( I have found that he is the one of the
>>>people involved in buying the electricity for the city, so the fact that I
>>>want to use the BioDiesel to generate my own electricity is probably some
>>>concern to him ).
>>>It appears that the city has an obscure law about how much fuel ( and by
>>>what type) that can be stored on the premises of a residence, and only 5
>>>of diesel ( of any type ) may be on hand at any time ( although 30 gal of
>>>kero may be stored ) in approved DOT above ground containers.    To
>>>things for inspectors, anything not approved by the law, is illegal.
>>>I'm still trying to figure out the ins and out's of this law, and so I'm
>>>just taking my time.
>>>Greg H.
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: "Mike Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>To: <>
>>>Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 13:40
>>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Methanol - was Re: neoprene gloves good
>>>>Hi Keith,
>>>>You're probably right.  I just have the fear that someone will
>>>>kill/blind/maim themselves making BD and it'll
>>>>be seized on by the forces of darkness.  If training were available, or
>>>>we could setp an serious non-profit (that is NOT the National Biodiesel
>>>>Board) and
>>>>do training, like The Motorcycle Safety Institute does, it would be a
>>>>real service.  I have toyed with the idea of a non-profit geared to and
>>>>supported by the home-brew and smaller brew gang, to keep and an eye on
>>>>legislation, provide the truth to the media and Congress and other
>>>>Goverments, and to lobby to counter
>>>>the anit-BD and biofuels people.  This group could also provide training
>>>>courses and certify trainers.  Maybe to outreach to farmers and fleet
>>>>drivers.  I don't get the feeling the NBB is our friend.
>>>>In no way do I mean to challenge your knowledge and instincts; you have
>>>>far more experience and standing than I do.  I guess I'm a Nervous
>>>>Nellie sometimes.
>>>>I am always careful to tell newbies coming by to learn what I do and
>>>>why.  Then I make a small batch with SVO, so it works, then move on from
>>>>As for my safety when brewing, I do what I'm comfortable with.  I spent
>>>>years as a mechanic and have a bit of clue as to what to wear and when.
>>>>That said, have I whipped up a small batch without gloves?  Yup.  I
>>>>don't brew inside anymore, though.  I finally built a shed for that,
>>>>with good ventilation.
>>>>Your JTF pages are good.  I wouldn't add much.  I have a punch list I
>>>>give to people but you pretty much cover everything.
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