>You live on a mountain in Japan?

Indeed I do Joe, at least Weaver got something right, LOL!

>How are you coping with all the snow
>dude?  Last I heard 4m fell.

7m in some places. It's killed about a hundred people in Japan so 
far. Not so bad here though, much worse in the north.

>Be vewwwy qwiet while you tiptoe around
>ok? It wouldn't do to have a few megatons of snow come and wipe you off
>the mountain!

I agree! But the snow's gone now. We were under about a meter of snow 
for a month, very cold! Coldest December in 20 years or something. 
But the thaw came on Saturday and the snow melted. Now it's cold 
again and it just started snowing. I'm sure there'll be at least one 
more cold spell.

We can handle the cold here, unlike our previous place, 18 months 
ago. That old wreck of a house was just too rotten, the weather went 
straight through it, very miserable when it froze over, difficult to 
do anything except try to keep warm, or to get warm rather. This is 
the same kind of 100-year-old farmhouse, but it's not rotten.

We finished most of what we had to do before the snows came, nearly 
all of it in fact, complicated things with fields and pastures and 
grains and chickens and so on. Looks good, so far.

Thanks for asking Joe.




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