Hellow Chris

I am in the UK too [Lancashire].Could you help me out as to where are the 
best places for putting a kit together [what is your semi-processor and 
where can you get methanol from?

Much appreciated!!!!!!



>From: Chris Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>Subject: [Biofuel] Sweet catalyst & continuous processes
>Date: Thu, 04 May 2006 22:13:34 +0100
>My semi-continuous processor should be operational in about 3-4 weeks.
>18 litre capacity, estimated production of 3 litres per 5 minuites. In
>the UK the environment agency insist on expensive waste management
>licenses if you produce diesel in batches exceeding 100 litres, but have
>no regulations limiting the storage of WVO or biodiesel. I am trying to
>increase my production without falling out of this loophole. If all goes
>well I should be able to scale up 500% and produce 3 litres per minuite
>without being naughty in the E.Agencies eyes!
>Has anyone been using this sugar/acid catalyst thats all the talk at the
>moment on various forums? Just wondering how people are finding it.
>I am VERY interested in the sugar catalyst as it appears to produce zero
>soap. It esterifies as well as transesterify so yield/waste ratio should
>be significantly higher. A friend tried a small batch and it reacted
>much quicker than with lye and after seperation the catalyst fell out to
>be re-used (doesnt dissolve in the mix and is filtered out) and the
>diesel produced was bottled with water, shaken for several minuites and
>then after rapid seperation the water was clear. Sounds too good to be
>true but it seems to be! No more premix catalyst, no more titration, no
>more washing, no more soap! Hmm... I need to try some I think. It can
>also be home made! Also I can see advantages with regard the byproduct.
>Am I correct in saying that the soap is causing the problem with burning
>the byproduct as a heating fuel? If so then maybe using this method it
>can be preheated and fed through a waste oil heater, or a mother earth
>burner? I feel we need to all start doing some experiments with this
>catalyst and gain as much info as possible as I feel it could be a
>significant step forwards as long as there are no problems. Having a 2nd
>hand oven delivered tomorrow to start cooking some sugar to try.
>Chris Bennett..
>I am not suffering from insanity, I am loving every minuite of it!
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