It's getting hard to keep the old OS9 stuff running as they don't 
release anything new for it.  I have some
programs running in emulation mode - poky but works - the more memory 
the better.

I run an old 400 mhz G4 w/ SCSI and 2 GB on the board.  Not blazing but 
I like it.

Ugly enough I have Windoze on a laptop - my business it's hard to make a 
living w/o knowing Windows.
I use Linux for almost all my servers - only a few Windows2003 boxes and 
that's because the clients have
programs that execute on the server.

I'm very much headed into the open source movement - trying to use as 
much open source software as possible.

I think Apple just did a better job of making *nix friendly than the 
Gnome or KDE interface.  It's getting better, though.


Keith Addison wrote:

>Hi Mike Weaver
>I know OSX is UNIX, but it took Apple four or five years after 
>release for the "tweaking" to produce a really good OS. And I still 
>don't use OSX, though I'm being forced in that direction, but who 
>needs an entire software upgrade/replacement? I'll install OSX in the 
>end and mostly run OS9 with it, for a long time to come I expect. 
> From what I've seen of such things I wouldn't be too happy about 
>entrusting the JtF site to a GoLive that's been tweaked for Linux, or 
>not until it was as solid as say Mailman.
>Anyway, the original argument falls away, if OSX is UNIX anyway, then 
>why use Linux? That "human face" is of a grown-up, not a kid, and 
>whether it's UNIX or OS9 it saves me a a large amount of 
>non-negotiable time. Either way I'd still have this current graphics 
>conversion problem.
>>Actually, Mac OSX is really just UNIX, in the form of tweaked FreeBSD.
>>All the Adobe stuff would run on Linux as well as they run on OSX, but
>>Adobe (I suspect due the the not so gentle prodding of
>>MS and perhaps Apple) has chosen not too release Linux versions.
>>Anyting that runs on OSX would run on Linux with very little work,
>>probably just a recompile...
>>OSX is *nix with a human face
>>Keith Addison wrote:
>>>Wotcha Weaver
>>>I don't think so Mike. Macs are highly developed, I think it'll be
>>>awhile before I could do with Linux what I do with a Mac, and as
>>>easily and quickly. I'm sure I'll get arguments from the Linux
>>>freaks, but I'm on your side, I don't think Macs and Linux are in
>>>competition. IMHO the Linux user base just isn't big enough yet, it's
>>>only a fifth as big as Macs (which is hugely outnumbered by Windoze).
>>>Put an interface on it that's the equal of OSX, or even OS8, with
>>>software to match, or with software that can migrate, and I'll
>>>probably do Linux too. Right now you still have to be a geek, it's
>>>half-baked. IMHO. Tell me again when I can just do the work fast
>>>without having to think about what the computer might prefer so you
>>>keep tripping over the damn' thing. Linux for people who don't like
>>>computers, and don't really want to know exactly how the fridge works
>>>either just as long as it keeps stuff cold without making a fuss
>>>about it. Speed the day. (No that doesn't mean I want a FuelMeister!
>>>LOL!) If I'm wrong about it, hooray, but then please confirm that
>>>Linux can do GoLive, or any equivalent that can handle a 1000-page
>>>website as fast and seamlessly. Then it'll have to get that much
>>>better that it's worth the move.
>>>>Keith Addison wrote:
>>>>>>Uh-oh... sorry, I didn't notice the mac part in your mail...
>>>>>:-) My innocence of things MS is but a small sacrifice.
>>>>>>converter is Windoz sw.
>>>>>>Send me the visio file and I'll have a go at it.
>>>>>Thankyou Chandan, I'll send it right now. I'll send it to Hakan too,
>>>>>as he has an old version of visio itself. It's a new design for a
>>>>>Turk burner, but I can't follow the text description without the
>>>>>graphics. If it works as claimed I'll upload it.
>>>>>Thanks again, all best
>>>>>>Chandan Haldar wrote:
>>>>>>>You might like to download the 30-day eval copy of this converter:
>>>>>>>which converts visio vector graphics drawings to many image or
>>>>>>>pdf formats.
>>>>>>>As far as I can see, it installs and runs fine, but I couldn't find a
>>>>>>>file to try it out.
>>>>>>>Keith Addison wrote:
>>>>>>>>Hello all
>>>>>>>>Someone sent me some interesting diagrams, but I can't extract them.
>>>>>>>>He said: "the diagrams i have are microsoft visio doc.s but they may
>>>>>>>>convert to html." We use Macs and I can usually get stuff out of
>>>>>>>>Windoze docs, but not this time. Would anyone be able to get tiff's
>>>>>>>>or jpg's or gif's out of an MS Visio doc if I sent them the file?
>>>>>>>>Thanks much
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