Hi Bob ;

No problem at all.  

> It is not technology itself
> that gets us in trouble, but rather the 
> application.

Yes this is true.  You know when I am editing a Word
document I am amazed at how long it takes to create
the document from scratch, but I can delete it almost
instantly.  The point is that destroying is so much
easier than creating.  A single match can destroy a
house, but nothing similar to a match could create a

Even if 99 people out of one hundred are good, the one
bad can cause so much destuction that the balance can
be shifted enough so that the net effect is negative
for all.  If we could weed out the 1 bad guy out of
100, then I would be all for technology.

But even so there is always the cumulative effect of
technology which is not so easy to identify.  If we
lived simply, yes we would have leprosy (but probably
a lot less cancer), we wouldn't have open heart
surgery (but probably less heart disease), we would
have to walk to work (but we wouldn't have global
warming or Peak Oil or obesity problems), we wouldn't
have electricity (but no low level uranium dumps or
acid rain or the atom bomb or Depleted Uranium
munitions), general sickness, even plagues (but not
anti-biotic resistant organsms, the jury is still out
on plagues, we still have HIV, H5N1, TB), etc.

IMHO, it is not at all clear that the net effect of
technology is a positive one.  My recommendation is
approach with caution.

Keep up the good work.  I have yet to make my first
test batch (sorry Keith), but I'm working on it.

Peter G.

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