
Keith Addison wrote:
>>>  >Where can I find a quick transform between gpd/lpd of >biodiesel 
>>> and mixer volume, for batch-process mixers?
> As to the size of the mixer, how long is a piece of string? I didn't really 
> want to get into this [...]

Still, I'm glad you did. That helps a lot. What I am trying to do 
(besides publicly exposing my ignorance re biodiesel), is to get some 
idea of how it will look on the ground so I can fold that information 
into my thoughts about the design of the biogas part of the process, 
which (as mentioned) is apparently an afterthought. As the poor step 
child, feeding from the table scraps of the biodiesel process, it 
behooves us to have a fine understanding of what is happening so as not 
to get in the way...

>> Finally, I mentioned interplanting or intercropping options with Jatropha. I 
>> have found some resources regarding this [...]
> Did you try this?
> <>

I had not previously seen that page, although I had encountered some of 
the publications, such as the handbook. Again, many thanks.

> Also: Physic nut -- Jatropha curcas L. Promoting the conservation and use of 
> underutilized and neglected crops [...]

I did run across that publication by Heller. But in spite of its 
relatively recent vintage (1996) he seems unconvinced that you (and your 
brethren and sistren) exist:

        "Transesterified oil can be used in any diesel engine. This
        process is normally carried out in centralized plants since the
        the small-scale economy of transesterification has not been
        determined." [p 22, para 3]

And he does not even mention biogas (sniff!).

For my own purposes only, I found "Claims and Facts on Jatropha curcas 
L." (linked from the page you mentioned) to have more of the sort of 
information that interests me 
( and elsewhere).

David William House
"The Complete Biogas Handbook" ||

"Make no search for water.       But find thirst,
And water from the very ground will burst."
(Rumi, a Persian mystic poet, quoted in /Delight of Hearts/, p. 77)
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