if people are too stupid to follow clear instructions, they have no business
using a computer. they could always go log on http://groups.yahoo.com and
change their subscription interests as well. if they can sign up, they can
go away on their own as well. good riddance. I personally had many private
emails with Marie, and she still couldn't spell unsubscribe even when I made
it plain for her. as to the lister that abused you? that person should be

Steve Spence
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <biofuel@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2001 3:39 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Re "unsubscribe" messages

> Hello all, top o' the weekend to you
> Sorry to impose, but I need a bit of feedback, or something.
> I'm a bit upset because I received some deeply nasty emails about the
> apparently abominable way I treated Marie Miller, who couldn't
> unsubscribe and kept sending "please unsuscribe me" [sic] notes to
> the list.
> The first letter, from a non-lister, was most rude and insulting,
> basically accusing me of sarcasm for my comment on Marie's
> misspelling, of "wise-ass" comments, being a know-it-all, not knowing
> how to run a list and so on, with a fair measure of personal insult
> thrown in. At the bottom was a copy of part of an email from a lister
> (new member, posted one message I think), copying part of my last
> message to Marie and pointing out my sarcasm. Prolly I should've
> ignored it, but I'm not used to getting such spew and responded,
> direct enough but without rudeness or insults, saying I wasn't being
> sarcastic, she'd misspelled "unsubscribe" every time, and I wasn't
> the first to point it out. I cc'd the reply to the list member who'd
> made the original comment to this person.
> Then I got a broadside from both of them, a really disgusting tirade
> from the non-lister, full of personal attack and obscenity on my
> handling of the list, and saying she'd paid a visit to the Journey to
> Forever website and it was a lot of *&[EMAIL PROTECTED] and so am I, it's 
> people
> like me who cause all the trouble in the world and so on and on. Yuk.
> Felt like going and spraying the website with disinfectant.
> Anyway, it included this point: why hadn't I just unsubscribed Marie,
> or did I "get my jollies grinding her like that".
> The lister meanwhile saw fit to tell me that he agrees with her, I'm
> too curt with list members and so on.
> I replied to both, the first got five words, which seems to have shut
> her up at least (I hope), the second got a short response, again
> direct enough but without any of the gratuitous rudeness I was
> receiving, and asking why he'd started it. He replied, accusing me of
> insulting him, denying he'd started anything (though his first note
> said he had), generally telling me I'm an idiot and telling me not to
> contact him again. I sent a one-word reply to the last bit saying
> "same", but had it returned: "not accepting mail from this sender".
> One way of having the last word I guess. Suits me.
> So that's that. Leaves a nasty taste in my mouth, but I guess these
> things happen.
> Anyway, there's the point about why hadn't I unsubscribed Marie, and
> this general continuing problem of people who can't unsubscribe
> themselves and send their "unsubscribe" messages to the list. As I'm
> sure we've all noticed by now, it keeps on happening. Finally I made
> a macro that writes an auto-reply:
> "You have to do that yourself. The unsubscribe address is in every
> List-Unsubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> In fact the unsubscribe address appears twice in every message.
> It happens so often that one starts doubting the thing works, but it
> does work - three listers have recently tested it. I get unsubscribe
> notifications from Yahoo every day (more subscribes though).
> It's not just here, it happens to most of the lists I'm on, but I
> must say that they get the kindest treatment here - on other lists
> they either get ignored or get a real shellacking. Here they get
> helped. I've never seen them get a blasting for it.
> So why don't I just unsubscribe them as they ask? Well, why should I?
> It takes time, I've got better things to do. I'll help little old
> ladies across the street or whatever, but heavens, if these folks
> have got the gorm to subscribe themselves in the first place, surely
> they can manage to unsubscribe themselves too?
> Well, I did unsubscribe Marie Miller, mainly because I was thoroughly
> sick of the whole thing, but I don't plan to make a habit of it -
> it's a special case, not setting a precedent.
> What does the list think, please? Should I unsubscribe these people?
> Any thoughts on what if anything to do about these constant
> "unsubscribe" messages to the list?
> I should add that very few of these people ever contribute anything,
> if that's relevant at all. Marie contributed one message, a question,
> about energy from horse manure. She got four or five useful
> responses, but didn't reply, and that was all. (Which is NOT to say
> that anyone isn't most welcome to lurk to their heart's content -
> lurkers, feel free!)
> For the record, there's a list of the postings about Marie and her
> unsubscribe difficulties below, including my abominable response.
> When she posted her first "unsunscribe" [sic] message I sent her an
> auto-reply.
> Very glad of any input on this problem. Sorry to ask.
> Best wishes
> Keith Addison
> Journey to Forever
> Handmade Projects
> Tokyo
> http://journeytoforever.org/
> List owner
> Marie Miller - "marie miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subscribed 28 Feb 2001
> Posted one on-topic message.
> From: "marie miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 04 May 2001 19:24:42
> Subject: Re: [biofuel] please unsunscribe me
> Hello.  I have now tried three times to unsuscribe to this without being
> successfuly.  When I send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> groups.com,it says that it cannot find such a group.  I see that many
> are having the same problem Could the moderator of this group please look
> into this and see if perhaps the address we are being given is not
> Ed Beggs replied:
> Spelling, perhaps.
> You have tried to "unsunscribe" (a nice solar reference, BTW). That's from
> your subject line.
>   Then you have said you sent a message wishing to "unsuscribe"
> (biofuel-unsuscribe@ yahoo, etc. etc.)
> You must send a message to: biofuel-unsubscribe. With a "b".
> The easiest way is to just click on the live link message at the bottom of
> every post.
> Then, your email program should pop it up as a new message with that
> already entered.  If it does not do that, just copy and past the thing
> the To: line in your email program. Or type it in spelled correctly, with
> the hyphen. Then just write one word in the message body (where you
> type your emails):
> unsubscribe
> It  works, I used it last week to eliminate an extra email address I had
> entered to this list.
> Ed B.
> From: Jeremy Shuey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, 6 May 2001 22:16:19 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: Re: [biofuel] please unsunscribe me
> spell unsubscribe right and it wouldn't be a problem.
> Neat thing about the computer is a copy and paste
> feature.  It works well.
> Marie didn't reply to Ed or Jeremy.
> From: "marie miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 07 May 2001 14:56:50
> Subject: Re: [biofuel] HELP
> Please unsuscribe me from this group.  I have tried 5 times now.
> From: "marie miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 07 May 2001 14:57:25
> Subject: [biofuel] (unknown)
> Please unsuscribe me from this group.
> Date: Mon, 7 May 2001 11:08:49 -0400
> Subject: Re: [biofuel] (unknown)
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.html
> To unsubscribe, send an email to:
> Steve Spence
> From: "marie miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 09 May 2001 20:15:46
> Subject: Re: [biofuel] (unknown)
> I have tried.  Why don't you see if it works for you?
> From: "Hanns B. Wetzel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 19:37:11 +1000
> Subject: RE: [biofuel] HELP
> Spell "unsubscribe" correctly and it will be done. Unfortunately the
> list management program does not yet have any fuzzy logic.
> From: Jeremy Shuey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 15:58:49 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: Re: [biofuel] Unsubscribe.
> Well, i did it..  I emailed the unsubscribe email
> address and what do you know..  It unsubscribed me.
> Cut and paste this email address and you will be
> unsubscribed also!..
> Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 15:44:28 +0900
> Subject: Unsubscribe - Re: [biofuel] (unknown)
> "marie miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I have tried.  Why don't you see if it works for you?
> It works. Anyway Jeremy Shuey just proved it. It seems you can't
> spell "unsubscribe", you get it wrong each time. Why don't you copy
> the unsubscribe address and paste it in the address field (To:)? You
> have to be doing something wrong.
> Keith Addison
> [This is the message that got me flamed - K]
> Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 21:43:06 -0400
> Subject: Re: [biofuel] (unknown)
> just subscribed and unsubscribed a new address. worked ok. you can go to
> http://groups.yahoo.com as well
> Steve Spence
>       Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.html
> To unsubscribe, send an email to:
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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