> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Appal Energy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I guess you just have to have made your own mash, discovered some of
> > that wild Belgian Abbey yeast that yields banana esters or created
> > your own Cinnamon Pumpkin Ale a time or two to understand.
> >
> > Todd
> > Appal Energy
> "Cinnamon Pumpkin Ale"?  Come on now Todd. From all your posts I
> thought you were a rather sophisticated man with sophisticated tastes,
> and here you go talking about brewing ridiculous novelty beer.

Gots ta du somptin' wit all dose punkins.

> You aren't one of those people that ruin a perfectly good cup of coffee by
> adding a sugary flavored syrup to it are you?

Nope. Blacker than road tar be me choosin'. It tain't good juice unless yur
jumpin' outta yur skin.

> I agree with you whole
> heartedly about Bud and the wonders of brewing your own, but in my
> humble opinion beer should taste like beer, and dessert should taste a
> thanksgiving pie.

When in Germany, do as the Germans do. When elsewhere....well....it's the
buzz that counts. Ya just otter enjoy gettin' there and takin' a difernt
road once in a while.

>I make a killer steam beer to rival Anchor,

Man after me own heart! Der blacker der better!

> as well
> as a pumkin pie to die for; I just don't enjoy them together, call me
> unadventurous I guess.

Yup. Bland as grits, I reckon. Got some cinnamon if need be.

> -Andrew

Appal Energy

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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