
Did you see my last review email in which I propose a moderately radical 
refactoring of the specs?  For the purposes of potential standardizations, 
preferably should be a number of small pieces that stand up and offer value in 
their own right.

Al's message suggests a further separation of concerns that makes sense to me, 
though in that case one of the parts builds entirely on existing standards 
(which is good).


Richard Jones wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> Last week while Dave T was in town we met up and had a chat about a 
> particular limitation of SWORD (and Atom, as it happens) which means it 
> doesn't meet the DepositMO use case requirements.
> The problem can be stated as follows:
> Given that the atom:link@rel="edit-media" IRI in an atom:entry (e.g. the 
> Deposit Receipt) is a reference to the entire Media Resource in some 
> format (e.g. a package), then when a deposit of additional content by 
> POST to an existing container (identified by its Edit-IRI) takes place, 
> the Deposit Receipt CANNOT return to the client an IRI for the resource 
> (or derivative(s) of the resource) that was just created.  This is 
> problematic for the collaborative deposit use cases, where different 
> clients will want to be able to track or at least know which files they 
> were responsible for depositing.
> In order to address this problem as simply as possible, we have the 
> following proposed additions to the SWORD spec:
> 1/ Add a section explicitly allowing a metadata-only object to be 
> created by POSTing to the Col-IRI an Atom Entry which meets the 
> requirements already laid out in the spec.
> At the moment there are sections (6.3.1 and 6.3.2) which detail how to 
> deposit a single part binary content deposit, and a multipart deposit, 
> but none which detail the addition of an Entry Resource only deposit. 
> By adding this, clients which want to can create the container first - 
> by POSTing an atom:entry - and then go on to add content to the 
> container later.  This works with point (2) to effectively fix the 
> stated problem:
> 2/ Add a section to explicitly allow the client to GET an atom:feed and 
> to POST content to the EM-IRI.
> The former of these is consistent with AtomPub as it stands at the 
> moment, so is uncontentious.  SWORD will profile AtomPub appropriately here.
> The second of these allows the client to create new resources inside the 
> Media Resource itself, rather than the Entry Resource (identified by the 
> Edit-IRI).  At the moment SWORD allows POST to the SE-IRI (which is 
> effectively the Edit-IRI) to add content to the container, but not to 
> the EM-IRI.  Neither is this in the original AtomPub spec.
> The purpose of doing this is that when the server responds, it can 
> return an atom:entry for the deposited resource (or an atom:feed, see 
> questions below), giving the client the identifier that it requires as 
> per the stated problem.  Note that this atom:entry is NOT the Deposit 
> Receipt as described by SWORD (at least, we don't think so - see 
> questions below).
> 3/ To add to the Deposit Receipt an atom:link@rel="edit-media" with 
> href="application/atom+xml;type=feed" in order to support the GET of the 
> EM-IRI as described in (2) above.
> This will not be a requirement of SWORD, we will just duplicate the 
> language from the AtomPub spec with regard to how required it is!
> There are a couple of questions and possible answers regarding this 
> approach:
> a/ If the response to a POST to an EM-IRI is NOT a Deposit Receipt in 
> the full SWORD sense, is this a failure of consistency in the profile? 
> Should all atom:entry responses from SWORD servers meet the criteria of 
> the Deposit Receipt (or rather, be formally allowed to present the same 
> additional elements).
> There is an extra complication here, which is that if the POST to the 
> EM-IRI is a package which the server duly unpacks, what does it identify 
> in the atom:entry as the resource which it takes deposit of.  There are 
> a few options
> i. it could just list the package itself, if the server has retained a 
> copy after unpacking
> ii. it could list nothing if the package was removed after unpacking
> iii. it could return an atom:feed instead of an atom:entry, listing each 
> created resource as an atom:entry in that feed
> Dave feels that the response should be either/or depending on what the 
> server did with the content.
> I am more inclined to be prescriptive of an atom:entry which follows (i) 
> or (ii) above for the purposes of simplicity.  I also think that if you 
> are POSTing content to the EM-IRI you should, in general, not be using 
> packages.  Adding packages can still be done via POST to the SE-IRI also.
> I also wonder whether it would be better to have all of the components 
> of a deposit listed as atom:link elements with a sword specific @rel 
> value to say that they were created during the deposit process.  In that 
> way, the response to the POST to EM-IRI could be a Deposit Receipt in 
> the existing sense, ensuring consistency across the profile and making 
> the client/server implementations easier.
> Thoughts?
> b/ Is the profile becoming too large?  Is it worth dividing it into two 
> parts, one for the operations which concern only the container 
> (identified by Edit-IRI) and package-based operations and another for 
> operations concerning the individual content items and the EM-IRI?
> c/ In light of the above, do we still need POST to the SE-IRI for adding 
> further content to the container?
> I'm inclined to say yes, as this means that you can add (rather than 
> replace) packages and metadata to the object.  You can't, for example, 
> modify the metadata with operations on EM-IRI as it represents the Media 
> Resource not the Entry Resource.
> Without this option we limit the client to usage of PUT on the Edit-IRI 
> only, which eliminates the option to add (not overwrite) metadata.
> There are also some other changes suggested, to do with how responses to 
> Deletes are handled, and whether Location or Content-Location headers 
> are provided.  I will attempt to clarify those in the spec rather than 
> enumerate the details here, for comment when the Alpha 3 version is 
> available.
> Sorry about the huge email - I wanted to be as clear as possible.  I 
> will be implementing these changes and working out the guts of the 
> detail as I go along, so there will be an Alpha 3 spec soon for you to 
> look at.
> Cheers,
> Richard
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