Hi Folks,

Last week while Dave T was in town we met up and had a chat about a 
particular limitation of SWORD (and Atom, as it happens) which means it 
doesn't meet the DepositMO use case requirements.

The problem can be stated as follows:

Given that the atom:link@rel="edit-media" IRI in an atom:entry (e.g. the 
Deposit Receipt) is a reference to the entire Media Resource in some 
format (e.g. a package), then when a deposit of additional content by 
POST to an existing container (identified by its Edit-IRI) takes place, 
the Deposit Receipt CANNOT return to the client an IRI for the resource 
(or derivative(s) of the resource) that was just created.  This is 
problematic for the collaborative deposit use cases, where different 
clients will want to be able to track or at least know which files they 
were responsible for depositing.

In order to address this problem as simply as possible, we have the 
following proposed additions to the SWORD spec:

1/ Add a section explicitly allowing a metadata-only object to be 
created by POSTing to the Col-IRI an Atom Entry which meets the 
requirements already laid out in the spec.

At the moment there are sections (6.3.1 and 6.3.2) which detail how to 
deposit a single part binary content deposit, and a multipart deposit, 
but none which detail the addition of an Entry Resource only deposit.  
By adding this, clients which want to can create the container first - 
by POSTing an atom:entry - and then go on to add content to the 
container later.  This works with point (2) to effectively fix the 
stated problem:

2/ Add a section to explicitly allow the client to GET an atom:feed and 
to POST content to the EM-IRI.

The former of these is consistent with AtomPub as it stands at the 
moment, so is uncontentious.  SWORD will profile AtomPub appropriately here.

The second of these allows the client to create new resources inside the 
Media Resource itself, rather than the Entry Resource (identified by the 
Edit-IRI).  At the moment SWORD allows POST to the SE-IRI (which is 
effectively the Edit-IRI) to add content to the container, but not to 
the EM-IRI.  Neither is this in the original AtomPub spec.

The purpose of doing this is that when the server responds, it can 
return an atom:entry for the deposited resource (or an atom:feed, see 
questions below), giving the client the identifier that it requires as 
per the stated problem.  Note that this atom:entry is NOT the Deposit 
Receipt as described by SWORD (at least, we don't think so - see 
questions below).

3/ To add to the Deposit Receipt an atom:link@rel="edit-media" with 
href="application/atom+xml;type=feed" in order to support the GET of the 
EM-IRI as described in (2) above.

This will not be a requirement of SWORD, we will just duplicate the 
language from the AtomPub spec with regard to how required it is!

There are a couple of questions and possible answers regarding this 

a/ If the response to a POST to an EM-IRI is NOT a Deposit Receipt in 
the full SWORD sense, is this a failure of consistency in the profile?  
Should all atom:entry responses from SWORD servers meet the criteria of 
the Deposit Receipt (or rather, be formally allowed to present the same 
additional elements).

There is an extra complication here, which is that if the POST to the 
EM-IRI is a package which the server duly unpacks, what does it identify 
in the atom:entry as the resource which it takes deposit of.  There are 
a few options

i. it could just list the package itself, if the server has retained a 
copy after unpacking
ii. it could list nothing if the package was removed after unpacking
iii. it could return an atom:feed instead of an atom:entry, listing each 
created resource as an atom:entry in that feed

Dave feels that the response should be either/or depending on what the 
server did with the content.

I am more inclined to be prescriptive of an atom:entry which follows (i) 
or (ii) above for the purposes of simplicity.  I also think that if you 
are POSTing content to the EM-IRI you should, in general, not be using 
packages.  Adding packages can still be done via POST to the SE-IRI also.

I also wonder whether it would be better to have all of the components 
of a deposit listed as atom:link elements with a sword specific @rel 
value to say that they were created during the deposit process.  In that 
way, the response to the POST to EM-IRI could be a Deposit Receipt in 
the existing sense, ensuring consistency across the profile and making 
the client/server implementations easier.


b/ Is the profile becoming too large?  Is it worth dividing it into two 
parts, one for the operations which concern only the container 
(identified by Edit-IRI) and package-based operations and another for 
operations concerning the individual content items and the EM-IRI?

c/ In light of the above, do we still need POST to the SE-IRI for adding 
further content to the container?

I'm inclined to say yes, as this means that you can add (rather than 
replace) packages and metadata to the object.  You can't, for example, 
modify the metadata with operations on EM-IRI as it represents the Media 
Resource not the Entry Resource.

Without this option we limit the client to usage of PUT on the Edit-IRI 
only, which eliminates the option to add (not overwrite) metadata.

There are also some other changes suggested, to do with how responses to 
Deletes are handled, and whether Location or Content-Location headers 
are provided.  I will attempt to clarify those in the spec rather than 
enumerate the details here, for comment when the Alpha 3 version is 

Sorry about the huge email - I wanted to be as clear as possible.  I 
will be implementing these changes and working out the guts of the 
detail as I go along, so there will be an Alpha 3 spec soon for you to 
look at.



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