Hi I used the

I used the sfPhpExcelPlugin-1.0.2.zip from the


In this I used this both for creating an excel file and downloading the same
using PHP.

Also I used the same for uploading an excel file and then reading the
contents of the excel file.


Deepak Bhatia

On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 1:45 PM, Gareth McCumskey <gmccums...@gmail.com>wrote:

> With just plain old PHP and even some Javascript built in this is actually
> very difficult if not impossible to do as PHP was never designed to interact
> with a users PC. Javascript was however designed to run client-side but does
> not have direct access to a users hard drive for obvious security reasons.
> The only way you may get past this is to use another plugin. I am not sure
> which plugin would be useful, perhaps Flash, but as far as I know even Java
> (not Javascript) cannot do this (but I stand to be corrected on that). You
> may also want to look into Google Gears (which I have not yet used). The
> problem with these scenarios is that you will need the user to download a
> plugin for their browser.
> Essentially, the easiest way is to let them upload, the changes are made by
> PHP, then PHP prompts the user to re-download the changed file.
> Regards
> Gareth McCumskey
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "bibijosh" <dorothee.arno...@gmail.com>
> To: "symfony users" <symfony-users@googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 7:02:43 PM GMT +02:00 Harare / Pretoria
> Subject: [symfony-users] Open an Excel file
> Hi, I'm quite new to Symfony, and not really good at php in the first
> place. So if someone could give me a hand here.
> Here is what my website does for now :
>  - Open an explorer window so the user can upload an excel file
>  - Modify that file
>  - Save it on my server.
> Here is what I would like to do :
>  - Open an explorer window so the user can upload an excel file
>  - Modify that file AND THEN open it in an Excel Window. (I can only
> manage to display it in my webpage, which    doesn't look good at all,
> I heard it could be because of the mime type actions...)
>  - Save it on the user's computer, where it was first uploaded from,
> without the user having to do anything.
> I'll welcome any advice.
> I'm using php5, Symfony 1.0 and IE 6
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