
I think there may be at least 2 solutions :

- Make for form so user can upload one or more file
- Modify that file in php, this point may be though, as php excel writers
have generally limited support. You can try something like this
http://pear.php.net/package/Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer , or if possible use
xlsx which is XML data.
- Redirect the browser and force downloading the file, the user will have to
accept the download and choose place where to put it.

2nd) As your clients are IE6 you can use some kind of activeX to handle xls
files directly on user's computer, if you're not fluent in php but are in
C#, VB or C++ this can be a better solultion.
Somme dll's already exists to modify/generate excel files But the main
disadvantage is that it will never work on any other browser than IE. As far
as I know with activeX autorised by browser you can have access to full
computer ressources, as a regular windows program.
Once I saw an app that can : interact with scanner device on local computer,
process picture to pdf on local computer, then upload it back to the server.
The server was PHP5 (without OSS framework) and client were winXP+IE6

I Know generally PHP developers avoid solution like this because of its
compatibility problem, but it still exists and being used by many intranet

Last but not least, if you're starting a new app, don't use symfony 1.0,
you'll find more reliable ressources for symfony 1.4 now.


2010/1/14 bibijosh <dorothee.arno...@gmail.com>

> Hi, I'm quite new to Symfony, and not really good at php in the first
> place. So if someone could give me a hand here.
> Here is what my website does for now :
>  - Open an explorer window so the user can upload an excel file
>  - Modify that file
>  - Save it on my server.
> Here is what I would like to do :
>  - Open an explorer window so the user can upload an excel file
>  - Modify that file AND THEN open it in an Excel Window. (I can only
> manage to display it in my webpage, which    doesn't look good at all,
> I heard it could be because of the mime type actions...)
>  - Save it on the user's computer, where it was first uploaded from,
> without the user having to do anything.
> I'll welcome any advice.
> I'm using php5, Symfony 1.0 and IE 6
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