
try $page->getContent('ESC_RAW');

or setup the default escaping behaviour in settings.yml

check this:

Giorgio Mandolini

2010/3/11 Romain Pouclet <pall...@gmail.com>
> Hi all,
> I have a "Page" model with a "content" property. This content contains
HTML coming from the tinymce WYSIWYG editor, but when I do :
> <?php
> // ...
> echo $page->getContent();
> // ....
> ?>
> The HTML tags are escaped, which is good but I don't want Symfony to
escape this one. Here is what I tried :
> <?php
> slot('title', $page->getTitle());
> echo sfOutputEscaper::unescape($page->getContent()) ;
> ?>
> But it doesn't work either...
> I even tried: var_dump($page->getContent()); just to check what I
received, and even what is returned by var_dump( xdebug is installed and
activated), is escaped !
> <pre class='xdebug-var-dump' dir='ltr'><small>string</small> <font
color='#cc0000'>'&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet&lt;/strong&gt;, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas dapibus lobortis
posuere. Vestibulum tempus commodo diam. Quisque suscipit fermentum lacus ac
venenatis. Mauris ac nibh id purus eleifend accumsan sed vitae nulla.
Vestibulum fermentum leo vitae odio rhoncus ac commodo orci sagittis. Ut
pharetra neque id mauris tincidunt eu sodales felis sollicitudin. Mauris eu
gravida nibh. Pellentesque eros risus, facilisis et interdum nec, fringilla
a nisi. Fusce matti'...</font> <i>(length=1089)</i> </pre>
> Is there anybody to explain it to me ?
> Thanks a lot !
> Romain
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