In this doc page  chapter
an alternative way to write action: one per file.
I think this isn't the best solution. I can add a new deep level in the
route and use the parameter to decide what method  must be invoked on three
or four sfAction classes but I will need to rewrite secure issues.

Anyone can help me?

2010/4/7 Welington Veiga <>

> I have  a problem with a big application what we are writing under
> symfony.
> It's our first contact with this fantastic framework, but we have a
> lot of code in a single action file. Our modules are big, with three
> crud:
> Like company has employers, groups  and customers.
> All in a application.
> I need a new deep level.
> The solution, I think, is use three sfActions class for each module.
> But maybe you have any experience with another solution, or another
> pattern for  this situatuation.
> PS: I dont know how to configure  new actions under 'app/myapp/modules/
> mymodule/actions' folder.

Welington da Veiga Silva
"Há pessoas que transformam o sol numa simples mancha amarela, mas há
aquelas que fazem de uma simples mancha amarela o próprio sol."
( Pablo Picasso )

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