One year ago I started working on an educational project using

Two weeks ago I put 3 files on the site that contain the minimum 
FreePascal files needed to compile a "Hello World" application:

Just now I put 1 file (for Win32) on the site that contains the minimum 
files needed to compile a "Simple Serial" application:

I'm working on adding two more "Simple Serial" files for i386 Linux and 
ARM Linux.

Yes, experienced programmers will probably want to install all of 
FreePascal and Synapse when they want to try it out.  But there seems to 
be a place for a minimal set of install files so a person can see things 
work before doing the regular install.  It also seems that such minimal 
sets of files would also be handy for people that are trying FreePascal 
and Synapse out on limited resource embedded systems.  I am developing 
an application (using fpGUI) directly on an ARM device and thereby 
avoiding the complexities of cross-compiling.

Am I allowed to distribute the two SynaSer source files (slightly 
modified) this way?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

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