Am Dienstag, den 11.01.2011, 15:50 +0100 schrieb Patrick Ohly: 
> On Fr, 2011-01-07 at 14:12 +0000, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> >  Migration happens
> >         by renaming ~/.config/syncevolution/default to
> >         ~/.config/syncevolution/default.old and then recreating
> >         ~/.config/syncevolution/default with the new content. So it will
> >         be possible to go back, but only with slow or refresh syncs.
> >       * The final 1.2 will do the migration automatically, because most
> >         users (in particular those relying on a GUI) will have problems
> >         with the pre-release error messages.
> There's one catch here: the migration is supposed to be invisible to
> such users. But as the code stands at the moment, the foobar.old config
> will be visible to them.
> Two solutions:
>      1. do not keep the backup config around
>      2. filter out *.old in the list of configs reported via D-Bus
>         (which is what GUIs use); command line users will still see them
>      3. name the automatically generated backups like something which is
>         more obviously not created by a user, like .foobar.old, and hide
>         that

Which makes three solutions ;-)

Another idea: Create a dedicated directory for backups, e.g.
~/.config/syncevolution/.backups/, and move old configs there. Just a
thought, don’t know if that has any advantages over the other options
you mention.


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