
I am currently looking for a Linux replacement for Gigaset QuickSync
[1]. QuickSync is a tool to sync contacts with a cordless phone (not a
cell phone). I thought SyncEvolution might be the obvious candidate for

The cordless phone talks BlueTooth, but not SyncML. I just figured out
that one can feed contacts to it by pushing 2.1 vCards one by one over
BlueTooth. I am currently only interested Desktop → Phone sync. Since
SyncEvolution over Bluetooth won’t work, I thought I could at least use
SyncEvolution to convert my Evolution addressbook to a set of vCard
files in 2.1 format.

As far as I understand, I’d normally need backend-to-backend sync
(Evolution → file). IIRC, that’s not yet implemented. So I thought about
setting up a local SyncEvolution server with the file backend. But it
seems that it isn’t possible to sync syncevolution with
syncevo-http-server on the same machine.

So is there a way to achieve what I try to do using SyncEvolution? Maybe
someone can push me into the right direction.


[1] http://gigaset.com/de/de/cms/PageQuickSync.html

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