
> > I am really struggling with that restriction not to
> standardize syslog
> > storage in IETF.  It diminishes the value of the syslog protocol as
> > people can't write a standard syslog parser.
> I'm not sure I understand why you feel this. Assuming you are
> parsing what was sent on the wire, that should be standard
> (to the degree that we standardize it).

Well, I am parsing a log file.  If I am parsing a syslog log file,
regardless of what we send, it does not match what is stored unless it
is standardized. The state of the art today is very sad and for no good
reason.  Consider two examples.  First, I send a well formed message:

<183>Oct 11 22:14:15 aokmians3-w2k su: Simple message 8

On Solaris, I have in the log file:

Oct 11 22:14:15 aokmians3-w2k aokmians3-w2k su: Simple message 8

On Linux -- same (only I assume hostname was not resolvable):

Oct 11 22:14:15 aokmians3-w2k su: Simple message 8

Why duplicate hostname or IP was added if it was a well-formed message?

Then consider platform implementation variations.  For example, Solaris
logs TLI endpoint identifier (IP + port) for forwarded messages if FQDN
can't be resolved:

Example of what's logged on server A:

Jun 20 11:26:57 bacdev1-cmts-1.cisco.com 715: My message

Same messages relayed to host B as stored:

Jun 20 11:26:57 [] 715: My message

Great! And guess what the is?  The IP of the relay A, not
of message originator "bacdev1-cmts-1.cisco.com"!  For one, this loses
the identity of message originator (which could be addressed in
-protocol), but it is also a new log format to parse (TLIs).  Solaris
has also a features where it can add other stuff to the stored message
like message id.  Example:

Sep 29 21:41:18 cathy ufs: [ID 845546 kern.notice] alloc /: file system

I agree the -protocol and -transport are definitely higher priorities
and -storage is a separate topic. But without some agreed upon storage
format, writing a portable log parser is a challenge.  In the above
example, Sun had to invent a proprietary mechanism to store severity and
facility in the message, for example. Whichever is the appropriate way
to solve this, I don't think anyone benefits from the existing state of
the art, which will definitely continue if nothing is done about it.


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