Le lundi 24 mars 2014 à 18:58 +0100, Lennart Poettering a écrit :

> It's simply that the PID file info in the chkconfig header is just
> increadibly useful (since it allows us to identify the main process of a
> service) and I'd really like to make sure we make use of it wherever
> possible. So that chkconfig header bit is what I am interested in, not
> the priority number...

I must confess I stole the PID file info part and added it in the "LSB"
header parsing, because we sometime have initscripts which such
informations (which is good) and we also sometime would like to have
this information handy, despite the fact we use LSB headers (and not
"Fedora" ones)..

Frederic Crozat <fcro...@suse.com>

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