Franno... you really should start sharing what you've been smoking.

Obadele's fastest legal 200m time is 20.03.  Other than a 9.87A, his best 
is 9.96.  After that he's 'only' ran a handful of 10 flats and 10.0X.  Oba 
is a good sprinter, but on those occasions when he actually makes it to a 
final, he fails to produce.  He shows his national pride by running for 
Barbados; if he was a USA citizen, he'd be hard-pressed to make the US team 
(except perhaps as a relay alternate).

Your wild and inaccurate statements almost seem like ploys to get other 
people to do your research for you.  Also, ignoring the impact MG and MJ 
(or any other major force) on sprinting is as ridiculous discounting 
performances on US soil.  T&F doesn't happen in a vacuum.


At 12:50 PM 8/9/00 -0400, franno wrote:

>If you ignore Maurice Green and Michael Johnson.   When has an American
>beaten Oba at any event at a big meet?

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