Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 12:28:49 EST

Looking over the tainted records of the women made me wonder.  Has there 
any reason given why the German women seem to have benefited from the drugs
more than the men?  We are staring at 1:53, and 47.60, but not one German
record from the men's side.

The G.O.A.T.

****How about GDR women's coaches: Edwin Tepper and Horst Hille...

Also this "tainted" records bit is a joke,
1st place is 1st place, 2nd is 2nd and so on!

The chemical enhancement of today is much more in depth then it was then, 
could it be perhaps these women simply had superior coaches and 
phyiotherapists?  No, that would be too hard for an American to admit, 
especially since they didn't build their aerobic base in the off season 
prior to those records!  Since EVERYONE (vomit) knows how you have to first 
build up mileage then gradually introduce higher speed shorter distance 
work, There is just no way other then drugs, apparently, to achieve those 
results, especially not starting out by deleting mileage work all together 
and instead beginning at short distances (10-30m) building speed, then speed 
over greater distances to eventually arrive at the given race times.  That 
last bit sounds so crazy it would be a shame if someone in the US got off 
their pre-1950's mileage base-paradigm-believing rear-end and put that 
system to use in the collegiate system.  Oh yeh I must have forgot, Speed is 
100% genetic, and can't be enhanced through training!  (Mr. Seagrave, didn't 
anyone tell you it isn't a skill, that can be improved like any other skill 
through training?)

I gladly accept that most coaches will continue to cling to their 
mileage-base-for-sprinters-paradigm like their little security blanket when 
they were 4yrs old, I just don't want to hear any complaining about: 
freshman not performing to there pre-college level or sprinters with stress 
fractures from mileage, or torn hamstrings after the switch to speed work 
prior to meets, or about how such and such is inconsistent, etc.

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