It's not the fast time that makes us question these marks. It's the out of 
nowhere appearance that makes us question these marks. Most of these Chinese 
marks ('93, '97) were set at their Chinese Games by women who weren't big on 
the world scene beforehand and then disappeared for the most part after the 
record setting performances. Granted in the Chinese society they probably 
think more of the their Chinese Games than the Olympics or World Champs, but 
they have to know that with these shot in the dark marks that people are 
going to question them. I think that all the top marks could be questioned, 
but that is just the nature of the sport. It has been that way for 30 least. You can't run a fast time without it being questioned. If 
the "powers that be" wanted to have a foolproof method of testing for 
certain drugs then they could. It is quite funny how once they have a test 
for a certain drug another drug has already popped up as if the "powers that 
be" are alwasy one step behind. World record performances and very fast 
individuals sell tickets and attract sponsors. Drugs make these fast and 
world record performances more common. They should just legalize it all, 
that way no one would question the validity of the mark because everyone 
would be on the juice. Although it would scar the sport in the public's eye, 
but aren't the rumors doing that already?

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