People who run meets are NOT necessarlity ignorant of clubs.  As I pointed 
out to Tom in an earlier post, we had massive computer problems over the 
weekend, including the mainframe on campus going down for part of Sat and 
most of Sun.  This is why we could not get anything up on the web.  I am all 
too familiar with both the GBTC and UCTC; all people were entered properly on 
the computers.  But during the meltdown periods, UNAT was substituted by the 
clerks when the entries came up blank.  That would not have happened had I 
been clerking but I can't do it all.  I had to run the meet the field.  Sorry 
for any confusion; I will do my best to straighten out the final results.  I 
wish some of you would cut me some slack.  We do the very best we can with 
incredibly limited resources.  I apologize for any mistakes but they are 
never made intentionally.
Scott Davis - Director

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