I dare say that most of the people doing the bellyaching about results have
never run a major (or even minor) meet in their lives.  I have run
Conference and dual meets and the best you can hope for is no complaints.
Most of us would keep over with a heart attack (no pun intended Scott) if
we actually got a compliment.  I think that if the meet itself runs well
then your #1 priority has been met.  With regard to the internet: Hey
folks, you can't do what your server cannot do-it's not as simple as
sending an email-you have to upload files onto the server and format them
and create links etc.  When the server is working well then life is a
breeze, when it's not, there aint squat you can do about it.  As advanced
as the internet is, it does still have it's limitations.  You'd be
surprised at how much work a meet is, and you can probably multiply that by
about 5 or 6 when you talk about a meet the caliber of Mt. SAC or the Pre
Meet.  Nice job Scott!

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