Ok let's assume that he gives up half to his agent, additional expenses and for
taxes. That's probably excessive but lets go with that. That leaves 125,000US.
Let's further assume that this thing doesn't start until 2003 and runs for 6
years. Let's further assume that he gets no other endorsements or incentive
bonuses(probably very unreasonable). Let's then apply a discount rate of 5%.
Doing some VERY QUICK calculations, that contract is worth 629,256 today. Once
again, assuming a discount rate of 5%, he could buy a 30 year annuity of 40,299
per year. On average, approximately half of that would be tax-free. He also
intends to go to school so there is no reason that he can't get just as good a
job as he would have got even if stayed at UM and fell flat on his face as far
as his running goes. It's at least arguable that he made the correct decision
from a financial standpoint.


Martin J. Dixon, B. Math. (Hons), C.A., Partner
Millard, Rouse & Rosebrugh LLP
Chartered Accountants
P.O. Box 367
96 Nelson Street
Brantford, Ontario
N3T 5N3
Direct Dial: (519) 759-3708 Ext. 231
Telephone: (519) 759-3511
Private Facsimile: (519) 759-8548
Web site: www.millards.com
Practice Areas: www.millards.com/htm/profs/m_mjdixo.htm

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Michael Contopoulos wrote:

> Does anyone know how much his agent gets?  The people who he has handling
> his finances?  etc?  After taxes and paying these fees, he won't have as
> much money as it seems.  Not to say its a bad deal.  Its a great one.  But
> Mr. Webb, based on his salary, isn't going to be as wealthy as people think.
> >From: "Martin J. Dixon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: "Martin J. Dixon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: t-and-f: Webb "going pro"
> >Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 14:15:01 -0400
> >
> >http://www.washtimes.com/sports/20020718-16634094.htm
> >
> >malmo wrote:
> >
> > > Nope. malmo "thinks" the amount should cover the risk he takes if/when
> >the slimy
> > > John Waters types (agents/shoe geeks) turn their backs on him if/when he
> >becomes
> > > just another runner.
> > >
> > > malmo "thinks" that amount is all fantasy in the minds of some track
> >fans.
> > >
> > > malmo
> > >
> > > >malmo seems to think that if he is making enough to buy his Mom a 5
> >million
> > > dollar
> > > >house then that is enough. I think we can safely say that is not the
> >case.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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