I think field event fans whine too much about the lack of respect their
favorites get in regards to AOY recognition.

A busy field-eventer can rack up 15 or 20 wins a year and that 20-0 record
looks pretty good at year's end even though a handful of those wins may have
come against less than the best competition.

As you point out below a marathoner has maybe two good shots to post a big
win/fast time each year.

If anyone should complain about lack of respect it should be marathoners,
race walkers (particularly 50-k) and multi-eventers.

Just last year a field eventer, Dragila, was acknowledged as the women's
AOY. I'd say the number of pure field eventers (which would exclude a Carl
Lewis) honored far exceeds the marathoners, walkers and pure
decathletes/heptathletes (which would exclude JJK).
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 8/1/02 12:59 PM
Subject: RE: t-and-f: women's AOY

And just as field event athletes are hurt in AOY voting because they can
only do one discipline, a marathoner is hurt because he/she can't
compete but 2 or three times a year at their main event, whereas Devers
can run every third or fourth day for virtually the entire summer.

If Radcliffe runs close to sub-30:00 in München and breaks 2:20 again in
Chicago she's gotta be AOY, unless Devers breaks the WR.

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