I thought that the ESPN broadcasts of the worlds and NCAA's were very good. I felt like the up close and personal stuff was kept to a minimum. I felt like the let the action speak for itself. The coverage was some of the best I'd seen in a while.

my "gripes"
1) they didn't get on TV Muna Lee's 200m CR. Everybody was waiting to see it. i also heard that Richards dusted Demus on the 4x4.. it would've been nice to see. (Does anyone know the splits for South Carolina and Texas splits -- someone told me Richards went sub 50.0)

2) they should have shown Elva Goulbourne's winning LJ (they only showed the last few steps of it.

3) it would be nice to see more of the competition (mainly field event stuff develop). for example, we were told that Walter Davis was leading the TJ till the last round, it wouild have been nice to see his jump.

From: "Tom Borish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Tom Borish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: t-and-f: ESPN2 telecast of NCAA Champs
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 15:00:50 -0500

Since it's easy to knock on how a telecast is produced, I thought I would throw in my comments on what a good job the folks at ESPN2 did at covering the NCAA Indoor Championships.

Yes, there were a few minor faults in which they could have at least shown the national record in the women's 4x400 meter relay, or Gary Kikaya's winning time in the open 400 meters, but I understand there isn't time for everything.

To be able to land a 90-minute timeslot is an advantage as well and I thought they did a good job of using it. Let's hope we can see the same for the NCAA and World Outdoor Champs later this year.

Tom Borish

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