While I have not viewed the tape closely to see whether Richards committed a lane violation, it would be unfair to single her out and, even just for fun, readjust team scores. There were several other athletes who committed similar violations. In the last 4 years that I've attended the NCAA Indoor at Arkansas, I've seen many such lane violations, but don't remember a single DQ.

Yeah, I know. It's just that hers was the only one I saw so flagrantly caught on camera. I mean, in that 200, her foot was COMPLETELY over the line. But what's unfair about it? She got away with it. My ribbing her has no effect on anything in the past, and it may even help her in the future -- I hope Bev Kearney will show the tape to Richards, point out how many points she could have cost her team, and it will be a pain-free lesson to be more careful. Richards is a mighty big gun for UT, and will be for years to come, and they can't afford her getting DQed -- better for her to learn the lesson from a little ribbing now than later from a heartbreak.

Lee Nichols
Assistant News Editor
The Austin Chronicle
512/454-5766, ext. 138
fax 512/458-6910

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