(If they lie about where they are, its not a stretch to think they lie about what they 
take/don't take - MJR)


Wednesday, April 2
Athletics-Greek federation to investigate whereabouts of Kederis

By Daniel Howden

ATHENS, April 2 (Reuters) - The Greek athletics federation
(SEGAS) ordered sprint coach Christos Tzekos to explain the
whereabouts of Olympic 200 metres champion Konstadinos Kederis
and training partner Ekaterini Thanou on Wednesday.

The call came after Tzekos, Kenteris and Olympic 100 metres
silver medallist Thanou were seen in Qatar after telling SEGAS
they were training in Crete.

Under the rules of the sport's governing body, the
International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF),
athletes must give current information of their whereabouts to
enable out-of-competition drug testing.

The IAAF said the incident was embarrassing for SEGAS and
that their anti-doping department would be speaking to Greek
officials over the incident.

"We will be looking into this," said IAAF communications
director Nick Davis.

According to SEGAS, Tzekos' had declared Kederis, the world
200m champion, and European 100m winner Thanou would be in
Hania, Crete during March and April.

"The change of training base was done on their (Tzekos')
initiative without the knowledge of the board of SEGAS or its
president," the Greek federation said in a statement.

In a telephone interview with Reuters, Tzekos confirmed he
had relocated his athletes but denied doing so to avoid dope

"If I went somewhere with my girlfriend do I have to inform
everybody? I just went somewhere for a few days and to have fun.
They want to crucify me and I don't know why," he said.

Tzekos said both Kederis and Thanou had undergone dope tests
three times in the last 12 months.

SEGAS were forced to admit on Monday that they did not know
the athletes' whereabouts after an interview appeared in the
Saturday edition of Qatar newspaper Alragia, titled: "Greek
athletes training in (capital of Qatar) Doha."

The head coach of Greece's Olympic team, Odysseas Papatollis
said it was Tzekos' decision to relocate his athletes without
telling anyone.

"He told us that he was going to Hania and then a week later
went to Qatar without asking leave of anyone," he said.

SEGAS faced questions over their cooperation in doping
controls from the IAAF last November after general secretary,
Istvan Gyulai, complained that Greek athletes were not being
made available for out-of-competition testing.

SEGAS denied withholding competitors and said in a statement
at the time: "We were surprised to hear that inspectors had come
to Greece three times recently, asked Greek athletes to take
tests and found very few athletes abiding.

"It is certain that if there were violations as reported,
the IAAF has nothing further to do than to punish us."

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