Am 18.03.2011 11:54, schrieb Flaimo:
> since i wasn't the only one wondering on how to map individual parking
> spaces, i took the chance to write my first proposal. it's ready for
> comments and can be found here:

My comments/suggestions:

I do not see a good reason to use amenity=parking on the individual
parking spaces within a larger parking area. Instead, I would prefer to
keep using amenity=parking a closed way that covers the entire parking
area and contains the individual parking spaces. I would then use a
different tag for individual parking spaces (parking_lot=yes if there
are no better ideas). Besides of requiring one tag less per feature, it
would not contradict current usage of amenity=parking, and would make it
a bit easier for renderers that want to ignore individual parking spaces
(which is a sensible cartographic decision for many use cases).

I also suggest to allow nodes for parking spaces. Areas are the obvious
choice *if* you use high-res satellite imagery. But without imagery, it
still makes sense to map individual parking spaces for special interest
groups from surveyed information. This is where a node is the
appropriate solution until more detailed data becomes available.
Accepting both nodes and areas to accommodate different detail levels of
data is good practice for other features, e.g. those in the shop and
amenity categories.

Tobias Knerr

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