Darrin Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What you are essentially saying is that references mean nothing (despite
> Ian's statement to the contrary) and it should all be based on what the
> most assertive person in the city thinks is right I suppose?

Brent and I had this sort of "discussion" a little while back.

My position was that unambiguous works best, and best to be based on solely
on references, otherwise we would end up with too many subjective opinions
on roads, leading to frequent changes leading to inconveniencies etc.  I
suggested we use the future alphanumeric naming for NSW as a basis for

Ultimately, the position I held then was unsustainable overall.

I still think that unambiguous reference based systems should be used when
they are workable.  Your observations have indicated there are large chunks
of the country where they are used reasonably effectively.  I think
Metroads corresponding to trunks in Sydney is an example of it working

I agree with Liz, that any discussion is good discussion on the mailing
list, and best to identify where people have differing view here then have
tagging battles in OSM.  Hopefully it can lead to improved tagging
descriptions on the wiki.


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