On Wed, 2010-04-28 at 22:30 +1000, John Smith wrote:

> > The tags can be whatever values you wish to put in, but only the agreed
> > upon tags are rendered currently.  If someone in Germany tags
> > highway=autobahn or someone in Italy tags it as highway=superstrada
> > (relative to the country where they live), it wont render.  Just like if
> > someone decides to tag a way as highway=dirt-road, sure you CAN tag it
> > like that, but it wont render how it would if it were tagged properly.
> That's not true, anyone can ask for anything to be rendered... There
> is nothing stopping people mass mapping a new tag type, and then
> requesting it gets rendered or they render their own map tiles, in any
> case this isn't just about the documentation on specific tags.

If you read what I said, you'll note the end of the sentence 'are
rendered currently'.  Yes, anyone can ask for anything to be rendered,
but Im wondering how someone can tag stuff without bothering to read the

Then again, people not knowing about the existing tagging system might
explain some of the weird things Ive found in keepright, such as the
aforementioned 'highway=Dirt-track' tag I found a couple of times and
tagged properly.


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