As a user, I would prefer to hear what I'm looking at. In other words, the sat nav is saying what the signage is showing.


On 17/11/20 12:00 am, Aleksandar Matejevic (E-Search) via Talk-au wrote:
Hi all,
I have noticed that the majority of ramps in Australia tend to have descriptive names and that naming format/system is not unique. Also, it is 50-50 between named and unnamed ramps.

I have researched ramps across all Australia, looked at Mapillary, OSC, government data, OSM history. On street level imagery I could not find any named ramp. In some cases there was an exit number, and it was tagged as junction:ref because it is not a name of the exit, but all I could find were just destination signs.  However, on OSM, ramps had names which in some cases contained information for destinations (John Willcock Link (Eastbound) to Brand Highway) or their function (Pacific Highway On/Offramp). Government data was descriptive in some cases, there was no name in others so no consistency there also.

I think that ramps do not have names and therefore should not contain a name key in OSM (only if there is a specific name for it, then it should have a name key). Exit numbers should be added as junction:ref and signposts data should be added either as destination relation or destination key on the way so routing algorithms could pick that info and give instructions like: "Take the exit toward X,Y,Z". If there is a name, instructions will be like: "Take left to X,Y,Z onramp/offramp”.

I am raising this question in hope to get some kind of consensus how to treat these cases across Australia, so all the ramps have the same format (conclusion could be added to Australian Tagging Guidelines on wiki page for all editors to have as instruction).

What is your opinion on this?

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