
I have a list of 200 emergency marker locations along 22km of the Puffing Billy Railway which were provided to me by the railway with permission to include them in OSM.

I've been reading through https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import - most of which appears to be geared toward larger imports and using publicly available data with various licenses. The data for my import is not publicly available, and was provided to me when I asked to import it into OSM.

I've searched overpass-turbo and there are no highway=emergency_access_points, name~"PBM", or ref~"PBM" near the list of nodes I have to import. This indicates that none of the nodes are already mapped.

Based on the example file on https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JOSM_file_format I've converted the emergency marker list into xml, the start of which looks like:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<osm version="0.6">
<node id="-3" lat="-37.907468" lon="145.36039">
  <tag k="ref" v="PBM003"/>
  <tag k="highway" v="emergency_access_point"/>

In JOSM I can import this file and merge the layer. I'm intending to then upload this with appropriate an comment noting that the data was provided by Puffing Billy Railway with permission to include it in OSM.

I'm proposing to import this as a one off, single change set under my existing OSM username.

Is this a reasonable way to do this import? Is there anything else I should do?


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