On Mon, 29 Nov 2021 at 09:29, Dian Ågesson <m...@diacritic.xyz> wrote:

> Suburbs and Localities in Australia are all using admin_level=10
> <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:boundary%3Dadministrative#10_admin_level_values_for_specific_countries>,
> and some changes in early 2020 to the default map rendering (
> https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues/4016)
> significantly reduced the prominence of admin_level 9 and 10 tags. While
> some other countries do use levels 9 and 10 for "suburbs", most seem to use
> it for neighbourhoods, sub-divisions, etc. I feel as though this makes
> Australia's usage a bit of an outlier, as a 'suburb' has more prominence
> than a generic neighbourhood would. There are also a few entries in the
> existing admin_level structure that seem out of place?
place=* and admin_level=* from a data consumer and renderer are
independent. So long as they are tagged as place=suburb then the renderer
shouldn't care what admin_level it is associated with.

> I can see this was discussed in September 2020 (
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-au/2020-September/013976.html).
> In that thread, the hierarchy of places was agreed to be generally
> Country>State>LGA>locality (town/suburb)>land parcel, but the implications
> for rendering weren't covered.
> I would like to propose that we adjust the admin_level to better align
> with the general usage of suburb within the community, with the additional
> benefit of better rendering consistent with the boundary usage internally.
If you look at the Geoscape Administrative Boundaries data
https://geoscape.com.au/data/administrative-boundaries/ it covers

1. Localities
2. Local Government Areas (LGAs)
3. Wards
4. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Boundaries
5. Electoral Boundaries
6. State Boundaries
7. Town Points

I think the only true administrative boundaries we have are Australia
(place=country), State Boundaries (place=state), LGAs
(place=county/municipality), Wards, Localities (place=suburb within a city,
place=town, village, hamlet outside of cities), Electoral Boundaries.

Town Points aren't boundaries, and ABS Boundaries shouldn't belong in OSM.

Other boundaries like School Intake Zones, Police Local Area Commands,
Health Districts are probably too narrow in scope to belong in OSM.

Given the use of postcodes for addressing we should add them to OSM, but
mostly they've been added as a postal_code tag on a locality boundary or
addr:postcode tag on an address, because the boundaries are not open.

Since we don't have formally defined boundaries for
place=region,district,city,quarter,neighbourhood,city_block should we be
adding an admin_level at all?

So should we remove 7/5?

> *Current Usage*
> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
> *Australia* <none> State/Territory Border <none> LGA Border District or
> Region Border (e.g Greater Sydney, Greater Melbourne, etc.) Australia
> Post Postode Border Locality Border (ONLY where larger than ABS boundary) 
> Locality
> Border (suburbs or towns)
> *Proposed Usage*
> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
> *Australia* *<none>* State/Territory Border District or Region Border
> (e.g Greater Sydney, Greater Melbourne, etc.) LGA Border (none) Locality
> Border (suburbs or towns) (none) (none)*
> * Australia Post Borders would be changed from boundary=administrative to
> boundary=postal_code, or put here if appropriate.
I checked via the overpass wizard query "admin_level=8 in AU" and there are
no results, so no australia post borders are mapped that way, and I'm not
aware of any.

boundary=postal_code is only used for one postcode in melbourne where it
didn't follow locality boundaries and couldn't be tagged as postal_code on
the locality.

ACT has a good set of boundary=postal_code.

So I'm supportive of removing Australia Post Postode Border from

That leaves should we move localities from 9 to 8? I don't think it really
matters much to be honest.
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