Sigh, here we go again.

Can't be stuffed registering to add comments on that thread.

This proposal goes against the "map what's on the ground" principles that
countless others have surveyed or made good faith judgement calls on.

I am unclear why we are still attempting to have any conversation about
this: previous efforts to map in the style proposed were to the point we
considered it nearly vandalism.
This only slightly changes the approach. I have no faith this materially
improves the map.

I don't want to be out on a bike ride and find misclassified tracks cutting
across private property from armchair mapping. I don't want to go for a
drive and end up routed down things that aren't residential streets because
a ghost record of a road that was never built is marked as residential in a
rural council's data set.

And most specifically for this dataset, I don't want trucks going down what
is at most a highway tertiary but is officially a highway secondary or
similar based on someone who *isn't in the government* trying to push a
government dataset as gospel, ignoring mapping efforts that have preceded

On Sun, Mar 3, 2024, 6:05 PM Graeme Fitzpatrick <>

> Please have a look at
> & comment if you wish.
> NB I am only posting this to get the word out, the proposal has nothing at
> all to do with me!
> Thanks
> Graeme
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