Hi Lennard and the others.

Perhaps you can explain how 'abandoned' and 'disused' SHOULD be
interpreted in relation to the rendering rules. As far as I have seen,
the wiki pages about railways do not mention this. 

If both should appear on the map, then probably 'historical tracks' that
are no longer visible should not be mapped, or at least not this way. 

Historical items then might be mapped in a different way that is usefull
for, for instance, a separate rendering or different layer. That would
not only be the case for historical railway tracks, but as well for
historical city walls, canals, gates, old river quai and docks, ... that
all have influenced city development. But that is another discussion.

Another 'historical' point is that it is a pitty that OSM doesn't offer
a kind of 'time-machine'. On one side it would be nice to see the growth
of OSM that way, on the other side the map we are currently making will
be historical one day. If - for instance - Doel would be broken down for
harbour expansion, going back in time then would show how it was before,
same would be if the 'hedwigepolder' on the other side of the border
would be flooded again. But again, that is just a side remark and
another discussion.

Luc / Speedy

On Wed, 2009-12-02 at 14:15 +0100, Lennard wrote:
> > But about visibility: it's a choice of the people in charge of the
> > rendering.
> > You could open a trac ticket to ask for a change as I don't think there's
> > anyone on this mailing list who can edit the rendering rules directly.
> You would be wrong, but please still open trac tickets for requests, to
> have all requests in a single channel.
> railway=abandoned/disused/construction rendering was reinstated on 8
> October, after I forgot to add that when doing some earlier work. That's
> what Ben was alluding to, when he said they were on again/off again on the
> map.
> http://trac.openstreetmap.org/changeset/18021

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