A lot of municipality borders follow the course of rivers,... as they were
when the borders were fixed. A lot of small rivers have been modernised for
the first time during the 1840-1860 time. Curves have been removed, and so
on... That was well after the fixing of the borders. So in a lot of cases
rivers do not follow the municipality borders anymore...

In some occasions the borders have been re-fixed to the natural border
(river) during the +/- 1970 time of municipality-fusions, where they

It might be wise to have a 'sneak view' on some other source to check what
is the case in Ramsel/Westmeerbeek...


On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 11:05 AM, Maarten Deen <md...@xs4all.nl> wrote:

> Kenny Moens wrote:
>>  Hello guys,
>> In the region where I live (Hulshout), some of the borders are recently
>> mapped, but they don't follow the exact features which form the border. For
>> example, in the area between Ramsel and Westmeerbeek the city border follows
>> the "Steenkensbeek" which I recently mapped based on Bing data, if I look at
>> the border itself it has much less points and more-or-less follows the
>> stream, but not exactly as it should be.
>> How is the best way to correct this?
>>    * Splitting the border and adding the tags/relations of the border
>>      to the stream. Which would mean the line of the stream would both
>>      represent the border and the stream itself.
>>    * Glueing all points of the border towards the stream, so that they
>>      form a single line (but are effectively still two separate lines).
>>    * Or something else.
> I don't know if Mapnik renders relations, but if it does, than 1 seems a
> good idea. But then you have to take care then when the stream is moved
> (physically) the border does not have to move.
> 2 is done in most cases.
> Maarten
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