On 03/17/2013 09:08 PM, Jo wrote:
2013/3/17 Glenn Plas <gl...@byte-consult.be <mailto:gl...@byte-consult.be>>

        Is het een probleem dat 'k een hoek van de shelter gebruikte
        als de highway=bus_stop node?

    Jo, remember, if you do that the renderer will not display the
    usual 'Halte' icon anymore.   I fixed the one in my street a while

The problem is that it still doesn't get rendered, now that it's not on the corner of the shelter.

http://osm.org/go/0Eod~G9kl <http://osm.org/go/0Eod%7EG9kl>

mmm, indeed.... that didn't fix it. so it's some sort of who is on top of who - issue
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